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"Is it weird that I already miss the tour?" Reese wanders through the living room and into the kitchen at about noon, yawning as she does.

"It's been two days, and you have slept ninety percent of those two days." LoLo laughs, looking up from the book in her hands.

"I know, but when I wake up and remember my band is a fucking mess, I don't have a show to look forward to, and I'm not in some cool city somewhere foreign, it bums me out." Reese laughs sadly, finding a premixed smoothie drink in the fridge before wandering back across the room to sit across from LoLo in the living room.

"I hope Matt and Milo figure out their shit with Zach too, I would hate to see the end of Pier 6 so early in such a promising career."

"Plus us ending would also end your job." Reese chuckles.

"That too." LoLo nods, "Got any real plans for today now that you've slept through our first two days back in LA?"

"I think so, I have a few friends who have been blowing up my phone since we got back. Might make some plans with them this afternoon. What about you?"

"Gonna look through some real estate listings, talk to my aunt probably, not sure fully. Just gonna have a slow day again probably." LoLo shrugs, glancing down as her phone vibrates beside her.


First draft of your
book's gonna be
done within a day
or two! I want you
to read it asap and
give your feedback. 

"You are welcome to stay here as my roommate for as long as you want, LoLo, you know that right?"

"I know, and I love you to death, Reese, but my own space sounds so nice."

"I get that. Alright, I'm going to go make myself look like a human again, have a good day if I don't see you before you head out, if you head out." Reese offers, pushing off the couch and heading back down the hall. Contemplating for a minute, LoLo pulls herself from her chair and book, wandering to the guest bedroom she had been staying in to find what she needs.

It takes twenty minutes to get across town to the house she is headed to, her hands shaking slightly as she slings her bag over her shoulder. Zach had begged her to wait until they were back in LA, and they had been back for a couple days, so there is no point in waiting any longer. Especially with the book nearly complete, it's time to face the music.

Taking a deep breath she lifts her fist, knocking on the wooden door in front of her, waiting as she hears shuffling beyond the door. Swallowing sharply as Matt answers the door, a look of surprise crossing his face as he sees her standing on the porch.

"Hey." She offers slightly awkwardly.

"Hi, LoLo. Is there something I can help you with?" He recovers slightly, motioning for her to step into the house.

"Is Milo home? I was hoping I could talk to both of you about something important."

"Did I hear my name?" Milo appears around the corner as Matt leads her into the living room."

"Ya, um I want to talk to you guys about something. Do you have some time?"

"Ya we have some time. What's going on? You look nervous." Milo answers, settling himself onto the couch as he keeps his focus on her, Matt sitting down beside him.

"Um, you're not going to like this, I mean you might, but you're also going to be super mad at me." LoLo starts, dropping the backpack from her shoulder to the floor as she settles onto the loveseat facing them.

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