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As with all my epilogues, this is a double update. Don't forget to read chapter 66 first!

Three months later

"Alright, no one else is getting this party started so I guess I get to." LoLo takes the microphone on the small stage, grinning out over the group of people gathered together tonight, her eyes meeting a set of hazel ones last. "Now, I don't want the spotlight on me tonight, tonight is for Zach, so I needed to get up here and publicly make him blush. Zach, where do I even start?" She chuckles nervously, "You did it! You are a published author, and I am so proud of you. Nothing that has happened to me in the last year would be possible without you, Zach. You gave me my life back, you wrote my story so beautifully for me, and you showed me what unconditional love is in all forms. I owe my life to you, and I don't know how I could possibly be more proud of you for this accomplishment, but I know as the books sell, and as it climbs the charts, somehow I will be. You gave up your dream of becoming a writer to pursue your other dream of drumming in a band, and yet somehow by being the extraordinary person you are you managed to make both dreams come true, simultaneously in fact. I will never fully be able to thank you for everything you've done for me, the words don't exist in English or any other language. I can't wait to watch as you grow further in all your passions, to be there when you release more music, when you publish another book, and when less monumental things happen too. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I love you, Zach, and I am so so proud of you for writing this book. Congratulations!"

"I love you." Zach mouths at her as she steps off the stage, his cheeks flushed red as she approaches him through the small crowd.

"I love you, baby." She repeats as she reaches him, wrapping her arms around his middle.

"Thank you for that little speech."

"I meant every word of it." She nods, toeing up to kiss his lips softly.

"Alright, our turn to make him blush." LoLo turns in Zach's arms to see Matt, Milo, Chaz, and Reese on the small stage, Reese having the microphone in her hand. "If you don't know who we are, we are the other four members of Pier 6, Zach's band. And we just needed to take a minute to congratulate Zach on solidifying the fact that he is without a doubt the smartest member of our band."

"We want to thank him too, especially Milo and I who have a history with this story, LoLo, and this book." Matt takes the microphone, "Zach writing this book took so much courage, he risked his place in this band to do it, but I am so grateful he was stupid enough to believe we'd forgive him for it in the end, because he was right. I got so much of my life back, answers to questions that had plagued me for years, and even my best friend back because he did this, and I will forever be indebted to him for that."

"What we are really trying to say with all this blabbering," Milo pulls the microphone from Matt's hand, "Zach, you're our brother, we love you, we are proud of you, and we are so grateful you knew our bond was strong enough to allow you to write this book, even if we didn't know it until far later. Congratulations man, we are so proud to have you as a member of this band, or brother, and friend."

"I've got to say my own piece," Chaz takes the microphone as Milo hands it to him, "Zach..." He stops again, his eyes seeming to glisten suddenly as he clears his throat, "I've literally known you since the beginning. You have alway been my big brother, my best friend, my role model. Since we were four and you learned how to tie your shoes first I've been trying to play catch up. You are the best person I know, Zach, compassionate, loyal, hardworking, and you have the best heart of anyone I know. I know I've teased and made fun of you for our whole lives for the amount you read, and spending your weekends as a teenager holed up in mom's library with all those books. But, all of that led to this, and I am more proud than anyone here, and I'll fight mom and LoLo for that claim." He chuckles softly, wiping a thumb below one of his eyes. "Zach, you inspire me everyday, and watching you get to know LoLo and fall in love with her through the process of writing this book has been the most beautiful story to see unfold. I am so proud, you are exceptional, and I am so grateful to be the inferior twin to you. Congrats bro, now don't expect sap like this again for years." The crowd laughs lightly as Chaz sets the microphone down and leaves the stage.

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