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"That really was so fun, I don't miss high school but it was fun to visit and remember how much better our lives are now." Milo laughs as the three of them walk back through the hotel doors after the afternoon at the school.

"It was fun to see you guys in your element, you are both teachers at heart. It was so clear how passionate you are about music as you were talking to those kids." LoLo grins at them.

"Well thanks, glad it seemed to be at least educational, hopefully it was also inspirational." Matt laughs.

"I think it was, but I'm not the one you were trying to inspire."

"Well thanks for the vote of confidence."

"LoLo!" She turns as someone yells her name, smiling as she sees Zach jogging towards them.

"Hey, what's up?" She asks, stopping as Matt and Milo keep walking.

"Anyway I could convince you to go to a couple bookshops with me tonight? I know you've been out with those two all day, but I never have anyone to go explore shops with, it would include dinner."

"Can you give me ten minutes to change? I'd rather be wearing comfy clothes to go on a book hunt but I'd love to." She asks, motioning to her heeled boots and nicer blazer outfit.

"I'll wait here." he nods, a grin splitting his face.

"Fifteen minutes tops." She calls back hurrying towards the elevator, excited to spend the night among the shelves and stories.

As soon as she's entered the hotel room she is tripping as she pulls her boots off, tossing them toward the closet haphazardly as she pulls her go to Air Force 1's off the floor and shoves her feet into them. The balls of her feet seemin to sigh in relief at the new shoes. Quickly unbuttoning her top and tossing it to the bed she digs around for the band hoodie she'd been given upon signing onto the team, pulling the pale blue jacket over her head once she's found it. Stepping into the bathroom quickly she touches up her makeup, pulling her hair into a messy bun before heading back out, slipping her camera bag back onto her back.

"I'm back." She taps Zach's shoulder as she gets back to where he has sat himself in the lobby.

"With three minutes to spare, come on." He chuckles, throwing a friendly arm over her shoulders as he guides her towards the front doors.

"I was really excited about going to explore some bookshops." She laughs, "I haven't made it to a good bookshop in a long time and I know this city has a few of them."

"You know any good ones off the top of your head? I've only been here a few times and I haven't found a stand out yet." He asks, hailing a cab for them.

"I know the best." She nods, sliding into the cab before him and immediately giving the driver an address.

"How well do you know this city?" Zach asks with a surprised shock as the cab takes off, somewhat impressed by LoLo's knowledge already.

"Well. I spent quite a bit of time in Manhattan growing up." She blushes sheepishly, "That's why I know the best bookshops."

"You know where to get good food too?"

"Duh. Cheap and unhealthy or healthy and less cheap, or fancy as fuck, I can find us anything. Best coffee in town too."

"You can hang around for sure then." He laughs, "Books and food, it's like you were made to be my best friend."

"Glad it's so easy to please you." She chuckles, "So why are you so into books? No one else in the band is."

"I never dreamed about being in a band actually. I liked playing drums, and I knew I was good at it, but up until the summer after high school I was planning on going to college, I got accepted to Harvard, Stanford, and Columbia. I was going to study English Language and Literature, that was the major I was set on. I planned to do a Masters or PhD. Books are my escape and I truly enjoy getting lost in any and all books, studying the way authors write, the way words strung together into stories affect people, it excites me."

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