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"LoLo, you have a gentleman caller." Reese's voice rings through the apartment.

"I don't think I count as a gentleman caller." Zach laughs, "Especially considering that this is technically a business call."

"You are still a gentleman, most of the time, and you are still calling her."

"I am actually not calling her, I am picking her up."

"Fine, you're calling on her. You giant freakin' asshole." Reese states, rather exasperated.

"Would you two stop fighting please? There are much more important things to talk about, like the fact that I am officially doing something as Felicity Abernathy for the first time in nearly six years." LoLo appears from her bedroom, obviously flustered.

"Technically all of the writing and chats and such that we did over the course of the tour you did as Felicity Abernathy." Zach chuckles, "Why are you stressing?"

"Why am I stressing, Zachary? Because after this meeting today the world really will get to know me, and I will know exactly what day that is going to happen. That is why I am stressed."

"LoLo, you knew this was coming. We've had this meeting planned with Miriam for a while. It's just the next step."

"Yes, I also know that, that doesn't make it any less stressful, Zachary."

"Stop using my full name." He laughs, "I will be beside you for all of this, just like I already have been. When you finally do tell the world who you are, I will be sitting in the chair beside you. If you're lucky it might even be a couch and there won't even be an arm between us."

"Stop mocking me. And take me to meet Mariam so that I can try to stress less. Hopefully meeting this woman will help to calm my nerves."

"Yeah maybe, but I doubt it." Reese chuckles, "Have fun you two, don't keep her out too late. Or do, I don't really care." She smirks before turning and leaving the other two in the front room.

"Come on, Lolo, you're gonna do great. Miriam is excited to meet you and this is the step you have to take before the next step for all of us can happen. You can do this. I believe in you." Zach offers, tossing an arm over her shoulders and guiding her towards the door.

"I know. I know, but now that it's here, it's a lot scarier than it was before." She sighs, leaning into his side softly. "Every step has been scarier when it arrives."

"It doesn't have to be scary. Remember back in Texas when I confronted you? It was scary at the time, right?"


"Did the results of that end up good or bad?"

"Good." She grumbles, "And I am glad that happened even if it was scary at the time."

"Accepting my book proposal was scary too, right?"


"And did it turn out good or bad for you in the end?"

"Well that's not really a fair question because it has in some respect turned out very good, I mean I've admitted to the band and you who I am. I have healed somewhat that way. And Anja's been able to go back to see her family in Germany. But when the world finds out, it's not going to go well."

"You're gonna have haters, but everybody has haters. I've got haters, but you gotta Taylor Swift it."

"Excuse me, I have to do what now?" she chuckles, turning to look up at him as they reach the parking lot of the apartment building.

"You gotta Taylor Swift it." He laughs, "You know, Shake it off." He demonstrates, shaking his whole body over dramatically for a moment, causing LoLo to laugh.

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