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"I wish I didn't have to go, surprisingly this has been nice." LoLo smiles as Milo walks her to the door.

"I'm glad you came over today too, Lyss." Milo grins.

"I like you calling me Lyss." She chuckles, "I give you permission to do that. Thanks for yelling at me today."

"Thanks for letting me."

"No problem, but I have to go, I've got some properties lined up to look at this afternoon, it's about time I move out of Reese's place."

"That is a good reason to leave. Love her, don't ever want to live with her beyond tour." He nods, pulling her into one more tight hug before she slips out the front door.


"Shit!" She jumps hard, turning to see Matt smirking at her from the small sofa sitting on their porch.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you so bad." He laughs, "Come sit a minute?"

"I only have a minute." She nods, taking a tentative seat beside him.

"I heard yelling inside and I didn't want to interrupt. I know you guys needed to hash it out on your own."

"Ya... I actually came looking for you. When you weren't here Milo asked me to stay. I'm glad he got it all out finally too, I know he needed that. And we are good now, which feels amazing."

"I'm so glad you two have made up."

"Me too, thanks for giving us the space to do that today."

"No problem, I've been waiting as much as you have for you two to figure it out. Now we can be Lyss, Matt, and Milo again. I've been waiting to have that back for almost six years."

"Me too." She smiles, "But, not to hurt your feelings, I don't really think we are going to work out as more than friends this time. I'm not the same person I was in high school."

"Plus, you're pretty obviously in love with Zach." Matt laughs.

"I am not in love with Zach!" Her face flushes instantly at the accusation.

"It's okay, LoLo. And you don't take this the wrong way either, but I have never felt more toward you as LoLo than friendship. It's been a long time since we dated, and we are both different people now. I completely understand why you are in love with Zach, he saw you when you'd been erased from your own world. That's a good reason to fall in love with someone." He bumps her shoulder with his, "Plus, he reads as much as you do, and have you seen his arms?"

"Have you seen his tats?" She retorts, blushing once she realizes what she's said.

"Ya, and they look great on his biceps." Matt chuckles, "You can date him if you want, LoLo. Don't worry about me."

"For the record I don't know if I'm in love with him." She sighs, "But there might be potential there."

"Wait really? I was expecting you to fight me about it like you guys did all of tour." His face splits into a giddy shit-eating grin.

She shrugs her shoulders, "You said it didn't you, he saw me when I felt wiped from the world, and he helped me heal. He's quite literally my best friend. I haven't been able to stop thinking about him since the one time he kissed me. But I never ever wanted anything to happen there until at least you knew the truth of my identity. I never let myself dwell too much on the idea, afraid of making things even harder on myself."

"Wait, he kissed you?" Matt giggles slightly, something like a little girl.

"In my childhood bedroom." She nods, laughing at the memory, "I was so shocked I scrambled backwards away from him and fell off the bed onto my ass."


"Honestly I don't know why he still talks to me. It was awful. He'd done all these amazing things for me, and I literally freaked out and then shut him down so fast, because I couldn't do that to him, or myself, or you."

"He talks to you because you're amazing, LoLo. He likes who you are, all the parts of you, drama, family issues, everything. I know you have been taught that you shouldn't be liked due to your family baggage, but you deserve unconditional love just like everyone else in this crazy world. And that man, my best friend, he loves you unconditionally, maybe not romantically yet, but if there were ever anyone beyond myself, and even more so than myself, that could look at you and see perfection even with the baggage you carry, not despite it, but with it, it would be Zach Thompson. Don't let fear hold you back anymore, LoLo, it's had a hold on your life for far too long, be brave. Fuck what anyone says, the fans, the world, the internet, the old lawyers, nobody's opinion is worth missing out on something as great as you and Zach have the potential to be. The only two opinions that should matter are yours and his."

"They may be the most important, but to me, your opinion matters too. Thank you, Matt. You truly are the kindest person I have ever known, and the most compassionate. I'm so lucky to know you."

"I'm lucky to know you too, and lucky to have known and loved the past version of you the way I did." He wraps an arm over her shoulder, pulling her tightly into his side, "Now, weren't you headed somewhere?"

"Shit!" Her eyes go wide, "I'm supposed to be meeting Zach across town, he's going to help me look at a few properties, see if I can find my own place here in LA."

"Go, he'll wait for you. And at least think about what I said about him, and you two."

"I will. Thanks, Matt."

"No problem. Love you, LoLo."

"Love you too." She smiles back at him after standing before hurrying away towards her car, her mind fully occupied by their conversation.

Will Zach and LoLo act on what Matt said? They don't know he's given them both permission.

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I love you guys!!!

~M =)

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