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Finally unpacking the last box in the bedroom, Jimin let out a relieved sigh. He looked around the well decorated room and nod his head in satisfaction. It's the third day since he permanently moved to Seoul after spending two years in Daegu with his friend Yoongi. He was happy that he finally got a decent stable job in a reputed company and got his own place to stay. His life was pretty much set and now he could finally focus on other things that life has to offer.

Jimin had a hard life with an ignorant unloving mother and an alcoholic father. Only person who understood him and cared for him was his older brother.  When the time came as they grew up, his brother ran away  from home at the age of seventeen while Jimin was only thirteen. His brother promised to come back for him and take care of  him when he earns enough. Even though Jimin kept waiting, his brother never kept his promise and he never returned. But Jimin was able to grow up well with great friends around him.

Walking back to the living area of the apartment, he let out a sigh seeing the remaining boxes. All that's left is to arrange the living room and the kitchen. He looked outside the glass window to see the sky turning orange in color. He noticed the sun was getting ready to set and the children at the park were leaving. So he decided to take a walk to relax himself a bit and grab something to eat from the convenience store that was attached to the apartment complex entrance. 

As Jimin was strolling the neighborhood park, he couldn't help but smile seeing the little kids walking back home with their moms and friends holding hands. Kids always warmed his heart and he wished if he had a fun happy childhood as them. He was so lost in thoughts that he didn't even hear the tiny bell sound or the bicycle coming his way.

 "Mister move!" Small voice snapped at him and when he saw a little boy coming his way, Jimin quickly moved but the boy was a bit startled and fell with the small bicycle. 

"Oh no! Kid, are you ok?" Jimin quickly went over to the kid and picked him up. For a second he got worried that the kid will start crying since he heard him grunt. But he just flashed his cute little teeth and dusted his little back.

"I'm ok. I'm a strong boy. But Mister, you should look where you walk. This is the bike track." The little boy said making Jimin smile sweetly at him.

"I'm sorry kiddo. I'll be more careful." Jimin helped the boy dust his short and observed his hands and legs. The little boy stared at Jimin's face with his big brown doe eyes. Jimin in his white shirt, with gentle eyes and a warm smile looked mesmerizing to the kid. He was reminded of the story his mother read last night before falling asleep. 

"Oh no. Your knee got a small scratch. Does it hurt?" Jimin blew on it a little and looked up at the cute boy.

"No. I'm a strong boy. I'm learning taekwondo and I protect my momma." The boy flexed his tiny arm showing his non existent bicep bump. Jimin couldn't help but chuckle and ruffle the little boy's hair thinking how cute he is. Jimin's little laugh was like a sweet soft melody so the boy touched Jimin's face as he was crouched down at the same level as the boy.

"Mister, Are you an angel?" He asked cutely with his doe eyes wide with curiosity and excitement. Jimin's smile widened more.

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