💫~𝓔𝓹𝓲𝓵𝓸𝓰𝓾𝓮 ~💫

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Breathing in the sweet smell of your shampoo which was coming off from your loving husband, you combed your fingers through his damp hair as he laid on top of you still half asleep. He had been working till late night the past two days so that he could have a day off today since it's your second wedding anniversary. Also he was up at midnight to surprise you with a mind blowing treat to celebrate the special day and gifted you two limited edition signed copies of your favorite books that you had been dying to have. Getting on your knees, you did treat him back good for it but you are yet to give his gift and it got to wait. Smiling, you tilt your head to the side to look at the man you love like crazy. 

"Babe?" You called out and he just hummed or maybe groaned, you couldn't tell properly because the sound was muffled against your chest, but you didn't care because he responded. So that means he is awake, probably because he came out of the shower just minutes back. "You should get up now. We need to go buy groceries for dinner. Those idiots will show up early in the evening." You tell him thinking about your friends who called yesterday to tell you that they all will be crashing here for dinner to celebrate your anniversary among the return of Namjoon and Mel. 

"Five more minutes, love." His raspy voice tickled your skin. He did sound tired so you decided to let him be for few minutes. "Just five, ok?" You say and Jimin nods hugging you more to him and sigh a breath. Shaking your head with the smile that never left your lips, you run your fingers down to his nape and started tracing the little bit of the moon tattoo you could see which was on the back of his neck. It's your number one favorite tattoo on him because it holds so much meaning and also it's the other half of the pair. It's only completed with a northern star and that star is tattooed on the back of your neck. You both got it together for your first anniversary and just like you, Jimin is crazy over the tattoo on your neck. He just kiss it every time he finds a chance to do it.

The reason to why you  both are so deeply attached to sky and stars still remains unexplainable, you both even sat down once under the stars and talked about it but you couldn't come up with a proper answer. All that you two figured out was that you both emotionally bonded over those things as you both figured out what you both are like on the inside sharing a story that only one another can understand and comfort. So because of this attachment you both customized your wedding bands to bring more meaning and closure to them as they bounded you two together.

Raising your hand up, you looked at the wedding band that had a constellation engraved on them. It wasn't just a mere constellation, it's the one from the night that you both said YES to each other. Life with Jimin is just so beautiful, sure, there are some downs here an there as it's normal to have spats and disagreements as a couple but the love never lessened. It just kept growing every passing day as you never got into bed with a bitter mood. 

You laid there on the couch for another few minutes letting him rest while you scrolled through your phone. You looked up some recipes wanting to make something different and special for tonight and marked few that caught your interest. While at it, your eyes darted over to the time on the top corner of your phone and your eyes almost popped seeing that thirty minutes had past. How the hell did the time fly so fast!

Quickly putting the phone away, you gently shook Jimin to wake him up, "Babe.. get up. We need to go. It's almost 10.40 am," You say and he just lets out a whiny groan.

"Babe.. wake up now! We don't have time. We need to buy so much stuff and then go pick Jae from school. You promised him.. remember? You are not going to make our son wait, will you?" You pointed out knowing that will get his lazy ass up because he never lets Jae down.

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