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"Stop sulking. It's been three days and you keep getting moodier and moodier day by day." Vinny slapped your back and you scowled at her. Wanting to irritate her back, you snatched the chip bag from her hand and stuffed your own mouth with some. 

"Heyyy! That's mine." Vinny complained as she launched forward, but you quickly raised your hand holding the chips away from her.

"Is it because of him?" Joanne asks out of nowhere. She was sitting cross legged on the floor while playing with blocks as you and Vinny were on the sofa, who were about to fight over the bag of chips.

"What? NO! Why would he affect me in any ways." You snorted trying to give the ' I'm fine' look but both of them just saw right through you. You were taken aback a little by that direct question and Vinny took that moment to snatch back her snack out of your hand.

"Yeah right.. try telling that again without being obvious. Bish.. it's written all over your face. You like him don't you." Vinny shook her head at you not buying your facade. 

"What, Nooo.. Pfft. I-"

"Don't you dare open that mouth to lie to us. Don't waste your energy and words. You know that you can't lie to me. You never sulked like this before." Vinny cut you off with her stern look. The look that would make you uneasy at times. So you just took a slow deep breath before answering.

"It's not like that. Ok.. It's just.. I just kinda miss the late night chats and laughs what we had going the past couple of days. There is nothing more. I always saw this coming and I kept telling you two that he will bolt too when he finds out." You pointed at your friends.

It's been three days since Jimin walked away and ever since you didn't see him at all. First you were disappointed but as days passed you were getting a bit sad. You did miss him, it would be a lie if you say that you didn't hope that it was Jimin who walked in every time the door bell at the store chimed. But you understand, it's not like he is bound to come to the store and have unhealthy meals everyday and help you out. You are basically nobody that he met weeks ago. Besides, He is a really nice guy who needs to have a life that would suit him, a like without a burden, a life without scarred responsibilities. And that life is so not you. 

"I still can't believe that he just walked away without a bye and went AWOL. I mean what's wrong with having a kid. Specially when it's Jae.. he is the cutest and no one can resist him. " Joanne spoke up and Vinny gave you the secret look that only you and her would understand. It lasted only for seconds as she quickly bounced back in attacking you with Joanne.

"I'm sure that he is just shocked and just taking some time to wrap it up around his head. It's your fault for not telling him about Jae before hand." Your best friend blamed it on you just like that. You don't know why but she got this weird interest in you and Jimin. She  acts like as if she is the cupid who was sent to tie up a couple who are a match made in heaven. It's so not like her. There were different guys in the past that tried to flirt with you or tried to take you out, but Vinny just flat out refuses them behalf of you and drags you away even though you didn't show any interest at those men at all. 

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