~ 07 ~

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Jimin couldn't help but to look at his watch time to time. He was internally sighing seeing that it was close to 9pm. His boss wanted to have dinner with rest of his team. He agreed to it since he didn't want to be rude, but his mind was out there at the convenience store where you are. The past few days the time he spent with you always made him go to bed smiling.

Even if they were just simple talks and smiles here and there. He felt that they were so genuine and so light. Your smile, your eyes and the way you patted his back when he choked that day gives weird feelings to him once in a while. He just don't know how to label it.

Everyone finished eating few minutes ago and now they were just chatting. Jimin was thinking of a way to excuse himself so that he could leave before you close the store and go home. He was eager to see you because it was Friday and he knew that he won't be seeing you during the weekend. That's two days without your soft smiles and pretty eyes. He was definitely attracted to you, he is not gonna lie about it, but he wasn't sure if he is attracted enough to peak the max interest to start something. For now he just liked your company and didn't want to rush into anything without knowing you properly.

"Why are you looking at your watch every five minutes?" Kiya who was seated next to him asked getting curious. She had been trying her best to get Jimin's attention all night but she could tell that his mind was somewhere else.

"I just need to get home fast. There is something I need to do before it gets more late." Jimin half lied to his friend not wanting to expose that he wants to go see a girl that he just met a weeks ago knowing very well that Kiya likes him or maybe used to like him. He cannot tell it anymore because she is so changed now. She used to be an open book voicing out her feelings and stuff but now, she is like a mystery that Jimin cannot figure out.

"Then what are you waiting for.. excuse yourself and get going. Boss really wouldn't mind. He is a nice person." Kiya encouraged and placed her hand on top of his which was on his thigh under the table so that no one could see.

"It's not nice. I think it will be done in few, right?" Jimin asks not thinking much about the gesture Kiya made.

"Jimin, you don't know our team yet. Trust me this will go on till midnight since it's Friday night. If you want to get out, then now is the chance since they are still sober." Kiya looked up at the rest before meeting Jimin's eyes. He poked the inner corner of his mouth with his tongue as he was lost in deep thoughts. He failed to notice Kiya lusting over his plum lips and wondered if maybe she could join him.

"If it's something really that urgent, I don't mind coming and giving you a hand." She tried her chance.

"No it's ok. It's just I need to be somewhere else." Jimin tells her earning a nod from her while she tried not to show any expressions.

"Everything alright?" Their boss suddenly asks getting their attention, Kiya takes her hand back and Jimin looks at the owner of the voice. Before he could say anything, Kiya cut him off and told their boss that he needs to go somewhere urgently. Jimin was surprised by his new boss's kind and concerned response when he excused him with a laugh off. Kiya was right about him being a nice person and Jimin felt relieved. He stood up and thanked for the meal and left after bidding good night to the team.

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