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Coming back home certainly did feel good but not being able to be around Jimin all the time kind of  made you sad. You knew you were going to miss him so much even though he promised to come over and spend time with you everyday. And the weekends probably be spent at his, that's one of the best things about living close by in this relationship. 

Leaning next to the door frame you looked up at your boyfriend who was inspecting the door and the security system thoroughly with a serious look on his face. He really went overboard with the whole set up for yours and Jae's safety and you couldn't help but fall for him more for it. Smiling, you leaned forward and gave a quick unexpected kiss to his cheek and that made him let go of the door and finally look up at you. A warming eye smile broke out on his face as he got closer to you. "What was that for?"

"Do I really need to have a reason to kiss you every time when I feel like it?" You ask wrapping your hands around his neck as his came around your waist.

"Of course not. I would love to get kisses from you for no reasons." He nudges your nose playfully with his and you chuckled. "Is that so. I'll keep that in mind."

The look on Jimin's face turned into something nervous after staring at you for a brief moment. He didn't have to tell you what was going on in his head because you knew and you were feeling a bit nervous on the inside as well. Today was the day you two decided to let your boy know about you and him. Everyone did say that it'll be alright and Jae will love it but still it made you and Jimin a bit anxious. 

"Are you ready?" He asks and you give a hesitant nod wanting to get over with this fast and face whatever reaction your boy is going to give you.

"Hey.. It's going to be ok. I'll take care of it ok? Let me have a man to man talk with him. Just trust me." He says tucking away your loose strands behind your ear and you broke into a soft smile at that. You took another whole minute to prepare yourself.

"Ok. Lets go now." You sigh and let go of Jimin. He takes a step back and turned to go out where Jae was seated with Pokey in his cage next to him.

"Hey buddy, lets go to the park now and set Pokey free, shall we?" Jimin calls out and your boy happily nods getting on his feet.

Few minutes later Jimin and Jae were sitting on a bench in the park as they watch in the direction that Pokey was running into. Pokey was cautious and a bit scared. He lingered around Jae and Jimin for a while. The little one was a bit sad and pouty so you had to get him an ice cream to cheer him up. But that wasn't enough, luckily in that second another squirrel came down a tree and got closer to Pokey. The new squirrel hopped around Pokey and then sniffed him, Pokey sniffed him back. That just made Jae smile widely. "Look! Pokey found a friend." Jae says eating the ice cream a bit messily while wiggling his little hanging legs over the bench. His eyes were wide and curious as he tried to follow the squirrels around but eventually lost them.

Jimin looked up at you and gave the signal you have been waiting for all this time. It's happening! You say to yourself letting out a heavy sigh and give a nod to Jimin before taking a step back away from them. But in safe distance so you could hear everything.

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