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Taking the white fluffy looking ball like thing, you put it on to your little boy's head and buckled the straps under his chin to prevent it from falling. You still couldn't believe that Joanne dragged you into this costume dress up mess when you did your best to avoid it. The kids were having and event at the kindergarten along with the parent teaching meeting. They even made it mandatory for everyone to attend as well as dress up. So here you are dressed up as a Princess, well sort of not exactly, it's Jae's other favorite character from his favorite cartoon movie so you didn't have a choice but neither you did have complains because it was very simple. 

The honking of the car snapped you out of your thoughts and an awkward smile tugged your lips when Taehyung and Joanne pulled over in front of you as you and Jae been waiting for them.

"What is that? A giant walking rice ball?" Taehyung joked snorting and earned a slap on his arm from his girlfriend.

"No dummy. It's a snowball. Can't you see.. A very cute snow ball." Joanne half scolded Taehyung and reached out to Jae. You giggled at the face Taehyung made. He seemed to be still confused so you cleared it for him.

"It's Olaf, Tae. Don't tell me you don't know who that is." You giggle a little and his mouth opened in an 'O' at the realization.

"Of course I know. Looking at you I'm guessing you are Anna?" He ask in an amused tone.

"Oh wow. Jo your man got it right. He is not a total alien after all." You joked while clapping lightly and he instantly frowned and rolled his eyes at you. But you all knew that he was just messing with you all. "And what are you? I don't think there are any characters like Expensive Gucci man in kids cartoons or movies."

"Pfftt. No way I'm coming to an event dressed up like a cartoon character. Not now and not even in the future." Taehyung snorted.

"Just ignore him Y/n. He has been picking on this event and costumes since last night." Joanne informs but you don't ignore it at all. 

"Don't be so sure Tae Tae. You never know what you will do when it comes to your own kids one day." You smirk at him knowingly because Taehyung is already so fond of kids, you can only imagine when it comes to his own.

"Ha ha.. never ever. I would rather die than walk in a field looking like a comedian in weird funny clothes. So you can just wait and watch." Taehyung challenged peaking Joanne's interest more than yours.

"Oh yeah. Then mark my words Mr. Kim Taehyung.. When you have  a daughter of your own, I'm going to make her love Disney princesses and make sure that she would make you dress up as Snow White one day." Joanne challenged back. You rolled your eyes at the couple because they always do this with each other. But these two are least competitive compared to your bestie and Jungkook. This is something that you will never understand so you avoided meddling in.

"Keep dreaming babe. Now lets get going. You put way too much effort to look like a mouse so go show it off." Taehyung started.

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