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What kind of karma is this? Once again everything that was painful in the past was repeating itself again. It's been a week since you last saw Jimin and this time, the separation is thousand times more painful. It's literally unbearable but you felt helpless. Never in your wildest dreams that you ever thought that Jimin would turn out to be Jae's father's brother. The brother you had been hearing a lot about when Ray was around. 

Now that you think about it, things did slowly make sense around you. Similarities of Jae and Jimin. The little belly bump that was named baby J because it held a memory of someone special, which only Ray knew of and not you. That's one of the reasons after everything, you ended up naming the little one Jae when he was born. Thinking about the past was always painful but now this situation just added more to your misery.

Your happiness, your love, your light of hope for a family is all gone. Jimin definitely is now Jae's blood relative but right now everything is a mess. You don't even want to fix it because that's how shocked you still are and how you have given up on this relationship. You were scared to be confronted by him if he ever asks what happened in the past and where his brother is at now. You couldn't just tell him, specially after how he shared his story about his brother and how he felt about him. You know what he meant to Jimin. So you can understand his decision. It must be hard to look at Jae and you the same anymore. He has been avoiding you all ways possible. You don't even know where he is or how he is. He would just drop random he is ok texts to his worried friends and that's the only relief you get during the day.

So you won't be surprised even if he didn't show up tonight for Joanne's and Taehyung's engagement/ Move in together Party. You were not in the mood, you are barely handling the heartbreak but your friends just drag you out to distract you and help Joanne to move stuff before the party. It's another big step and a big day in her life and she wanted you there so you couldn't say no.  

"Y/n did you see a black and silver box around here by any chance? It's the size of a shoe box." Joanne looked around with her big eyes as she walked towards you.

"Uh.. I don't think so. Did you check with Vee? She took some boxes to the store room.. I think." You say in a bit unsure tone since you really didn't know what's behind the corner two doors of Taehyung's apartment.

"Oh.. I'll go check with her then." She sprinted away just as Hoseok and Jungkook carried in a love seat that Joanne own and love.

"Where should we keep this" Hoseok asks, struggling to hold it up while Jungkook had no problem at all. You looked around searching for a good space, you didn't know where Joanne wanted it but you pointed to the right corner in front of the art collection that's hung on the wall. "It'll look better here for now."

"Got it." Both of them agreed and proceeded with it. Hoseok let out a loud tired sigh and Jungkook looked up at you. "Sure this is ok?" He asks and you go over to sit on it and take in the view. It was pretty decent so you gave a slight nod, "Looks ok. Jo can change it later if she don't like it." You tell them and both of them just hummed.

"Alright, I'll go get the other box. Need to go pick up Ash from her dad's place." Hoseok took another deep breath while his childhood friend rolled his eyes at him making you shake your head.

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