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"Momma Momma I made this with Han. It was fun. And this too." Ever since you got home with Jae, he had been showing the little things he had made at his friends house. He was looking happy and excited. Specially after coming home from yesterday's Taekwondo classes.

"Wow that's so beautiful hun. You are getting cooler everyday." You say as you pull him to your lap so he could sit comfortably while he shows you the rest.

"Baby J is cool like Mr. Angel." His unexpected words took you aback a little. Your heart twisted at the mention of Jimin. Things that happened earlier at the dinner came to your mind, you were about to get sad but then your boy distracted you by saying something surprising. " Mr. Angel said I'm cool yesterday and he said he will buy me jellies next week."

"Yesterday?" You immediately questioned your kid, raising a brow, "You met Mr. Angel yesterday? How?"

"Uhm. Mr. Angel came to class. He said he missed me and too busy to come home." Jae just elaborated whatever words came to his little mouth.

He went to see my son? Jimin missed my son. Your feelings for him just took another turn and hit you hard. It hurts now. You knew that Jimin really loved Jae and yet you made choices that would separate them. He is trying to be there for you and your son because he truly loves you and you love him too. It's slowly coming to your senses that you were being an idiot all this time. And if there is ever a chance again, you want to take it.

You wanted to say something to your kid, just to make sure that he won't be too sad about the fact that Jimin no longer comes here, but before that you heard knocks on your front door. They weren't soft knocks but angry knocks, so you got up and carefully went to the door to see who it was at this time in the night.

"Y/n open up. It's me." As if your thoughts were heard, Vinny who was at the door announced herself out loud. You quickly swung open the door and gave her the wide eyes when you could see that she was visibly very annoyed.

"What happened?" You questioned but she just walked in as she huffed and puffed without uttering a word. You instantly knew that she had a fight with Jungkook. This was not new but it's very rare. They do bicker all the time and ever since Kiya showed up earlier, things were not going good and you assumed that they ended up taking the fight too far, resulting your bestie to show up here. "Ok. How bad is it? You didn't beat him did you?" You joked a little to lighten up her mood but it didn't work.

"I wish I did. He deserves it." Vinny crossed her arms in front of her chest and grumpily flopped on to the couch. You sighed shaking your head and then turned to Jae.

"Hey hun. Take some water for Pokey and go to your room. Momma will come after talking to aunt Vee ok. She is upset right now." Your boy gives a nod and put the things aside to get down from the couch. He walks over to Vinny and gives a sweet smile to her. "Aunty Vee.. Don't be sad ok." He grabs her cheek to give a quick kiss, that melted Vinny's anger away completely and made her pout.

"I won't anymore thanks to you Baby J. Go on. Aunt Vee will come to play with you in few minutes ok;" She says patting his head. "Ok." Jae says and then goes to his room after grabbing a small cup of water for his squirrel. It's really big now and it's time to release him like planned but part of you didn't want to do it without Jimin.

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