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"Jae hurry up hun. We will miss your preschool bus." You called out as you packed up your boy's bag and carefully placed his breakfast box in it along with his favorite pear juice. You would always double check if it's pear because you have mango for yourself, and Jae don't like mango at all. 

"Momma, I'm ready." Jae walks towards you while brushing his hair to the side with his tiny hand.

"Ok. Let's hurry up.. Momma needs to get back to work soon." you say and he gives a nod. Taking his hand, you step out the house and carefully walk down the stairs to walk to the main road where Jae's Preschool bus would come to pick him and the other three kids up around the area. 

"Good morning, Han." You looked down at Jae who was holding your hand as he waved to the other kid who was already there waiting for the bus. He is Jae's friend and his parents are very nice to you and Jae. Sometimes you let those two play together on weekends.

"Good morning, Jae." The boy with black rim glasses waved back smiling brightly.

"Good morning Han's momma." Jae greeted the elder with a bow and a smile. The kid's mom Haneri greeted Jae and then you. She was complimenting how well Jae is doing and you smiled back complimenting her kid. Jae sure is growing up well and you still couldn't believe that he will be turning five in few months. Sometimes it just feels like just yesterday that he came into your life.

It sure was hard raising a kid all alone at a very young age without having any clue about it. Times were tough but still you managed to pull through, it was mostly because you had Vinny in your life. Having her was a truly a miracle. She helped you to get back on your feet and take care of Jae when needed. 

You moved to this place near Vinny's and started working two jobs so that you could provide for Jae. He is your only family, so you always wanted to give the best for him. Day time 8.30am to 3.30pm you would work at home as a call center agent and then from 5pm to 10pm you would work at the convenience store. You don't complain because you get to cook proper meals for Jae and spend sometime before the babysitter comes to take care of Jae. And on weekends you are totally free as you have invested it on your friends and Jae.

Seeing the bus arriving, Jae tugged at your top as usual and you lowered yourself with a smile so that he could wrap his tiny hands around your neck and give a peck to your cheek. "Be a good boy, ok? And eat your food." You say hugging him back.

"Yes Momma." He nods his head and then you carefully lift him up on to the bus step. After waving to your little boy, you bid your goodbyes to Haneri quickly. She knew you were working so she didn't mind at all that you were rushing and promised to bring Jae home if you are unable to show up. You are so grateful towards Haneri because of her caring nature. After that said and thanking in advance, you turned on your feet and hurried back home to start working for the day. 


Taking few deep breaths Jimin entered the elevator of his office building. He was finally able to land his stable dream job as a team manager in a successful company. The introduction and signing in to the work went smoothly. 

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