Baby Charlotte

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We put on our hats, makeup, and contacts. Charlotte shows J how to look at the different diapers.

C: I know these are the cheaper ones, but buy these until we can make sure she isn't allergic to other brands.

We buy formula, nursery water, bottles, passies, and some toys.

J disappears for a little while and comes back with an arm full of clothes and socks. Charlotte disappears and she comes back with some bows and a medicine kit for babies.

J walks up to the register and checks out and he starts to pull out a credit card.

A: Let me get this son.
I pay in cash. We keep the receipt.

We got to the car.
J: Dad, I didn't even think about that. It is ok.
A: We need to call Rick and set up child support, and change her last name. This baby is a Post.
J: Please.
A: We are here son.
J: Mom, is Liz ok?
C: She will be, she has been struggling with postpartum depression. Little Charlotte hasn't been sleeping for her and has been really fussy. her aunt passed away and she has no one to help her. She apologized for the interview. She said she was trying to get your attention, because she couldn't take it anymore.
J: Do you think she will hurt her?
C: No. She needs rest and some help. She has never taken care of a baby either J, but she has no one there to help her. I don't agree with what she did, but she is the mother of this baby and I will do what I need to for this little girl.

We get home and unload everything. Charlotte shows J how to set everything up in the nursery while I feed the baby.

A: You look like your grandmother. I hope that you act like her too. She is an amazing woman. That is who you are named after.

Sadie and Pat knock on the door. They are carrying bags of stuff. They go to the nursery.
Pat comes back down.
A: What Is all of that stuff?
P: Baby stuff. For someone that hates to shop she sure buys a lot.
C: I can hear you Pat.
A: She hates to buy for herself. She will probably spend a few hundred thousand on this baby this weekend.
P: We also have lists of pediatricians.

There is a knock at the door, it's Liz.
L: I'm sorry I forgot to pack her stuffie. How did you get her to take a whole bottle?
A: Practice. Lilly wasn't much of an eater when she was a baby, and I still have to make sure Charlotte eats.
Liz laughs.
L: Thank you for keeping her.
A: My parents are coming in from Texas for the week. Can she stay longer? If that is ok with you.
C: Is that Liz?
A: Yes.

Charlotte comes down the stairs.

C:I have a list of pediatricians for you to look at. Don't worry J will put her on his insurance.
L: I will take a look. Can I talk with you? Alone?
C: Sure.
L: The lawyer called wanting to set up a parenting plan.
C: Do you know what that is?
L: No.
C: Ok, so, that is saying when J will have parenting time with her and when you will.
L: Ok.
C: If anything comes up during your time and I can help I will.
L: Thank you, I'm so sorry.
C: The past is the past Liz. We can choose to let it weigh us down or we can let it go. I'm going to let it go. Please call your doctor. I want you to be healthy too.
L: They are closed today. I will call tomorrow.
C: I'm just worried I've been there. I'm not sure how you have done it on your own. You have done and are doing good.
L: Tell Austin that is fine.
C: Ok. Make a list of anything little Charlotte needs at your house please. No judgment. I just want her taken care of no matter where she is. I already bought too many clothes so here are a couple of bags for you to take. Does she have any allergies or anything that irritates her skin?
L: No. She hates to eat and sleep.
C: I had the same problem as a baby. Pick out a pediatrician so I can set everything up. I will be happy to go with you. I think she needs a different formula. I'm not a doctor
L: Let's sit down and we can pick one now.

She chooses one.
C: He does house calls and is open now. If you have a moment I can call.
L: Ok.
C: He said he can be here in 30 minutes. Is that ok?
L: Yes.

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