The reason

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Mom comes out the door.

C: Are you ok son?
J: Yes. Do you think she is telling the truth?
C: About what?
J: She got pregnant because she was afraid of losing me?
C: I think she wanted to be a part of a family so badly that she got pregnant in hopes that you would treat her like your dad treats me. Do you love her?
J: I do love her mom.
C: This is an adult decision that now involves a child do not go into this with a light heart. I don't care which one of you is pissed off, that is my grand baby and I'm not letting her go.
J: I love you mom.
C: Love you, but that baby can't care for herself and poor Liz has never done this before. Remember when you were in that apartment before rehab?
J: I have never been so alone, hungry, or broke.
C: Now think about growing up that way.
J: Shit.
C: Now imagine having a baby not being able to work because you can't afford child care. You have no one, and you only have so much in food stamps. She eats more than what WIC covers, so you make sure your baby has food and you go without. That is what Liz has been going through.
I start to cry.
J: Can you babysit for a few hours? I'm going to make sure Liz has food and everything she needs.
C: Go.

I get into my car and drive to Liz's house. Maybe she isn't home yet there are no lights on. I knock on the door.
J: Can we talk?
L: Come in. She lights a lantern.

It's cold in here.

J: Is there a black out?

She looks down.

J: I can't help if you don't talk.
L: I couldn't pay the electric bill this month.
J: Pack some clothes.

I walk outside and call dad.
A: Hey.
J: Liz's electricity was shut off. It is freezing. Can she come back to the house and stay?
A: Yes.

She comes out the door. I hold the car door open

J: Get in. You're going to stay with us. Are you hungry? When did you eat last?
L: I'm hungry. I haven't eaten in a couple of days.
She starts to cry.
J: Is this ok?
L: Yes.

I text dad.
J: She hasn't eaten in two days. We have stopped to eat.
A: That's fine, we are taking care of the baby.

She eats everything.

J: You can order more if you would like.
L: I really want a milkshake.
She ordered it and I ordered one too.

We left and stopped at the park. We sat on the bench and drank our milkshakes.

J: That's why you did the interview.
L: I was starving and I was afraid that I wouldn't have enough to feed Charlotte.
J: Come here.

I pull her into my lap. She cries when I hold her.

L: I'm sorry.
J: Shhhh. Everything is ok. I'm here.
I rub her hair and kiss her tears away. She sobs into my chest.
J: You have met my parents, no one will be hungry at their house.
L: I can't afford her new formula. WIC will not cover it.
I laugh.
J: I will pay for anything she needs. I am a millionaire now.

POV Charlotte
They got back to the house. I'm waiting at the door.
C: Liz we need to talk.
We went into my studio. Is there anything else you need please tell me I will get it. If you don't want to ask J, ask me. Ok.
L: Yes Ma'am Thank you.
L: I can't afford my antidepressant.
C: What pharmacy?
L: CVS on Main Street.
C: Birth day?
L: 2/22/2022
C: Does Charlotte?
She had tears.
C: No judgment.
L: She has acid meds., but I can't afford them.
C: When is her birthday?
L: 10/23/2035
I smiled

I text Sadie.
Please go to CVS on Main Street pick up any of Liz's meds 2/22/2022 and The babie's 10/23/2035.

Sadie shows up
With a bag of meds. I give them to Liz.
C: I can give the baby hers.

She hands me the bottle. I look down and see birth control. Thank god.

L: I don't need these, I have the implant in my arm.
C: Don't worry about it. Just take what you do need.
L: Thank you.

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