Wieghts, Sex and Money

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POV Charlotte

The nanny arrived a few hours after breakfast.
Fran and I went up stairs and she got settled it.
F: Well looks like you two have been busy.
C: Yap. Just today though. I have to go shopping for more clothes.
F: Get something on and let's go then.
Fran and I shared a room since we were 10 until we both moved out.
I started changing Fran and must have caught a glimpse of my body.
F: What have you been doing, you sexy little thing?
I laughed.
C: I have been really frustrated and needed to burn energy off so I have been working out 3 times a day.
F: Damn. Let's go shopping, get his card. He caused this.
I laughed at her.
C: He has been so tired getting home late. I never tried to either. The interviews haven't started yet.
We walk into the office. Fran pulls Marshal to the hallway. Austin pulls me into his lap.
C: So, this morning was new.
A: I enjoyed it.
C: I did too. I started packing for the tour and all my clothes are too big.
He gets his wallet out.
A: I figured you needed new clothes when I picked you up and pounded you on my cock. You look beautiful. You always do, but damn honey. I might need to fuck you again before you leave.
We sneak into the bathroom for a quickie.
A: Do your rings still fit? Your watch.
C: I haven't tried them on.
A: Go try them on if they need size, take them to Jewel.
C: I will. Thanks babe.
I kiss him again.
A: You better go before I fuck you again.
I smile at him.
A: I'm not joking, he puts my hand on his cock it's hard.
C: I'll take care of that when I get back.
A: Yes you will. And babe, spend whatever you want. There is no limit.
C: Ok.
A: You worked hard, please pamper yourself. Take Fran to get pedicures on me. I'll tell Marshal I paid because she likes my music better.
C: Don't get him started today. Please.
A: I will be good if he is.

We walk into the office.
Fran is sitting in Marshall's lap.
F: Ready?
C: I have to go upstairs and grab something. I'll be right back.
I try on my rights and watch. They all need sizes. I put them in my purse, check on the kids, say my goodbyes and leave.

We get to Jewel's shop. He sizes my finger for the rings and my wrist for my watch. His wife Jan comes from the back we had all met before and got alone well.
Jan: What are you two up to today?
C: We have to buy some clothes for the tour.
Are you helping Jewel today?
Jan: I was about to go grab some things at this boutique down the street. If you would like to join me, they have really nice clothes.
I look at Fran and she answers for both of us.
F: Let's go.
We got to the boutique. I picked out at least 20 outfits and 5 swim suits for me.
I chose 15 new outfits for J 3 swimsuits and 15 outfits and 4 for Lilly.
I picked 10 outfits for Austin and 4 pairs of swim trunks.
I put Austin's, Lilly's and J's clothes on a table and start going through mine to narrow them down.
F: What are you doing?
C: I can't spend this much on myself.

Fran walks away for a few minutes and comes back with a smile on her face.
C: Someone looks pleased with themselves.
F: I am and she points to the door.

Austin and Marshal walk in.
Fran goes over and checks out. They leave. Austin looks at me and smiles. Austin speaks with the clerk and she locks the door behind them.
The sales girl is falling all over herself trying to help him. She tries to pull him to the men's section and that's when he says.
A: I'm here shopping for my wife.
She is still following him around. He finds a few things that he likes and comes over to me.
Sales Girl: I'm so sorry I didn't know anyone was still here. Ma'am you will have to leave.
He smiles and says this is my wife.
SH: I'm so sorry. I will be here if you need anything.
A: Thank you
I am still frozen. I am still mesmerized when he commands so much attention and authority.
C: What happened to your interviews?
A: One didn't show.
C: Did Fran call you?
A: Yes she told me that you picked out clothes and were putting some back. I said no limit. So, you are getting the ones you picked out and I'm picking some out for you too.
C: You don't have to, I know that you are busy.
A: Dressing room now.
C: I turn and walk in not realizing he walked in behind me.
A: Put these on.
I do as he says.
He comes back with 4 more outfits.
A: Turn
I did.
We went up front to pay. After they rang everything up and gave us the total he didn't hesitate, didn't even blink really. He looked at me and smiled. He handed me some clothes and whispered to change into these as we are going out. I went to the back and changed.
The girls in the store got autographs and pics while I got changed. We put everything in my SUV and Alex drove it home.
A: Did you drop your rings and watch off at Jewel's.
C: Yes. I forgot.

We stopped picking my things up. He walked over and talked with Jewel. Jewel said something to Jan and she walked over to me.
J: How did you like the shop?
C: It was amazing there were some many beautiful things.
She saw that I was looking at earrings. Would you like to see them? She asked.
I look around for Austin. I don't see him.
C: That would be great. I look at them and set them down. Can I see that pair please.
J: Sure.
C: Can you keep these out?
I found a pair for Lilly. A watch for J.
I looked at a few other pieces and I found a watch that was motion powered. It was so beautiful.
A: Are you ready princess?
He kisses my head.
C: Yes. I found some things for Lilly and J.
A: What about you?
C: I don't need anything.
A: Now we are shopping for you again.
I looked at him. He smiled.
A: Mrs. Jan, what has she been eyeing over here?
J: A few things.
A: I want everything that she looked at. Then he walked around and picked more. I know my eyes almost popped out of my head.

POV Austin
I just finished my interview and the next one didn't show up. Marshal and I were messing around with some new sounds my phone was ringing. It's Fran. I answer.
A: Hello
F: Did you give her a spending limit?
A: I never give her a limit; she can buy anything she wants.
F: She has found some clothes that look so good on her but is putting them back, because she doesn't want to spend that much on herself.
A: Text me the address I'm on my way.

M: Is everything ok?
A: I need to make a point to Charlotte that I should have made 10 years ago.
M: I'm taking Fran away then so she doesn't kill you.
A: Fran agrees with me.
We get to the store Marshal all but drag Fran out. I have the owner lock the doors.
After I found out what size she was wearing, I bought her everything in the store that size. I went to pick up her jewelry. She picked the kids stuff out but nothing for her. I had already called Jan and let her know what was going on. She understood and agreed with me, so she helped me too. I bought 4 pairs of earrings, 5 necklaces, another watch,a few brackets and rings. An anklet . Then I saw the necklace that she turned down. I looked at her and smiled.
A: Come here.
Her mouth is on the ground and her eyes are about to pop out of her head. She is red all over. She walks over slowly.
A: What do you think about this necklace?
She looks down and snaps out of it.
C: I'm not wearing your hoe necklace.
Jewel and Jan heard her and died laughing.
I give the jewelry to Pat to take it back home.
We walk to a restaurant and she is silent. I have my arm around her shoulders.
A: Stop.
She stops. I look at my watch. She looks at me. We start walking again.
C: Are you ok?
A: Standing there that short amount of time with my investments and music I made enough to pay for everything we bought today.
She looked at me funny.
I pull her into an alleyway and press her against the wall. I back up a little but I am still holding her hands. She is looking up at me.
A:I can provide everything and anything you or the kids want or need. I am going to spoil you. If you go shopping and start putting stuff back that you want because you don't want to spend that much on yourself I will come and spend double on you. To me you are worth more than I could ever spend.
She puts her head on my chest and sobs.
I let her have a few minutes then I pull back, put my hand on her chin, lean down and say. A:Haven't we had this conversation before?
What is my pet name for you?
C: Princess.
A: I plan on treating you like one too.
She shook her head.
C: I don't like spending your money.
There it is what I have waited for all damn day.
A: Our money.
C: I have not contributed financially the whole time we have been married.
A: You keep me calm and sane. You go wherever I ask. You care for our children while you tour with me. You have homeschooled J and he is doing great. You never ask for anything, you are selfless and the only reason you don't have your own black card is because you threw a fit when I asked. What I'm trying to say is if it weren't for you doing everything that you do I couldn't do what I do. Did I ask for a prenup?
C: No.
A: Why do we have one?
C: I made you get one.
A: Why?
C: You have worked too hard for everything that you have for someone to take it all from you.
A: For the past 10 years have I told you to get a job?
She laughed
C: No.
A: What did I do?
C: You asked me to quit mine so I could be with you.
A: I would be not able to tour like I do if you and the kids were not by my side
C: Ok.
A: Ok. What?
C: Ok. I will spend money on myself.
A: Thank you.
I picked her up and spun her around kissing her.
A: It has taken 10 years but finally. You understand.

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