e l e v e n

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The smell of coffee, newly baked bread, and the subtle salty aroma of rice porridge had stirred you up awake from your sleep. Your head was still aching as if you were hungover, your body felt heavy, and your nose was stuffed—nevertheless, you could tell that you were feeling less worse compared to your condition yesterday.

Groggily sitting up, you gazed at the food on your center table with your half-lidded eyes, not able to open them fully.

"You're awake, how are you feeling?" Inui's silvery voice rang in your ears.

Rubbing your tired (e/c) eyes, you slowly casted your eyes to him. 

He was there standing prettily across from you with a mug of coffee in his hands. Staring at him suddenly made you slightly self-conscious about how you were looking right now. You immediately fixed your bed hair with a flushed expression.

"Peachy. Though I don't think I could attend morning classes" you confessed.

"It's good not to push yourself, you were having a high fever last night" he walked towards you and sat beside you, setting his mug on your table. Bringing his hand on your forehead, he checked your temperature with the back of his hand.

"I managed to bring your fever down. Thank God," he sighed in relief, before letting his hand fall to his side.

Now that you were able to take a closer look at his face, there were visible dark circles below his eyes, "Did he not sleep last night?"

Your memory was a bit hazy, but you recalled being woken up by Inui a few times last night to either eat something or to take your meds. You also remembered him applying a cold compress, using a towel, on your face and neck at certain time intervals. Most of all, you recalled him singing you to sleep—it was a lovely tune that was now stuck in your head.

"Just how perfect can this man be?"

"(Y/n), do you have any appetite to eat breakfast?"

You nodded and turned to the opposite way, you spoke covering your mouth, "I think I can eat a bit."

The blonde-haired male titled his head, puzzled by your behavior, "Hey, (Y/n), what's wrong? Can you look at me please?"

A blush rose to your cheeks, "Maybe later if I had already...er, brushed my teeth" you mumbled incoherently but unfortunately for you, Inui had caught every single word that left your lips.

He paused for a moment before erupting into a fit of chuckles. The pink blush on your face only grew into a darker hue, "I don't want you to get a whiff of my morning breath when you literally smell like vanilla."

His laughs died down into small giggles, "How cute" he thought to himself, watching you sulk at something so trivial like that, "I'm sorry for laughing but do you really think that I'd care about that?"

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