t w e n t y - t h r e e

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You threw your head inside of the stainless-steel bin that was ready for you at the side of your bedside

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You threw your head inside of the stainless-steel bin that was ready for you at the side of your bedside. Your mom who was with you, rubbed small circles on your back.

After you were done, the older (L/n) helped you to lie on your back, you were groaning as you did. She smiled softly at you as she gently caressed your head. Your pained groans had reduced to whimpers as you felt your mother's warm palm had touched your skin. It felt good. And soon after you had fallen asleep

"You did well again today sweetie," your mother whispered, "Thank you for holding out."

It had been three weeks since you started your treatment and despite how frequent you were feeling the after-effects every time you had finished a session, your body cannot still adapt to the drugs that it was taking.

"Good afternoon, Missus (L/n)," A silvery voice was heard from behind.

(M/n) turned towards the source and smiled, "Ah, Seishu, dear. Good afternoon. You're here but I'm afraid that she had fallen asleep. She had just finished her session for today."

Inui glanced at your peaceful sleeping figure before returning his gaze to the older woman, "It's fine. I'm just glad that she's resting easy today."

He walked towards you to take a closer look. Despite only being a day without seeing you, he could tell that you had lost some weight again. He takes a seat on the stool beside your bed before gingerly holding your hand.

"Has there been any news about how the therapy has been doing for her?" he asked.

Your mom shook her head, "No, not yet. Her doctor has yet to collect samples for testing. She still has a few sessions left for her first cycle of therapy after all. We'll probably get to hear something by the end of the week."

"Oh... that's good to hear then," he replied, gently rubbing his thumb at the back of your hand, trying to ease his anxiety.

She perched a hand on Inui's shoulder, "Don't worry dear. (Y/n)'s a strong kid, we'll hear nothing but positive results at the next week."

He nodded, "Of course, this is (Y/n) after all."

(M/n) gave his beanie-clad head a quick pat and let her hand fall to her side. "My daughter is lucky to have you. You even shaved your head," she chuckled lightly.

Inui consciously touched the back of his head, "This is nothing. I had my lapses with her and being aware of those lapses makes me want to make up for them immediately. It's the least that your daughter deserves."

(M/n) couldn't help but to feel happy with how the way this young man in front of her could boldly and confidently say those caring and well-thought words. She felt like she could leave you in his hands and not feel a bit anxious.

This thought of hers wasn't an impromptu decision.  Having to see him take care of you and persevere in coming here as frequently as possible. Also, how could she not notice that loving look on his face and the shine in his eyes whenever he would look at you never wavered since day one.

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