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"Are we all set? Everyone is here, right?" The professor in charge asked while mentally doing a head count of his group of engineering students. God forbid he would undercount or overcount.

After doing so, he smiled and clasped his hands together enthusiastically, "Alright, let's get moving. Off to China, we go!"

The group started to move, with a certain blonde-haired senior tailing at the end of the line. He felt a bit awkward, to be honest.  He wasn't close with the other students since they mostly came from the electrical engineering department, and a few were computer engineering majors. In short, he was the only one in his major.

Though he had some time to socialize with his teammates during the one-week preparation, the talks were mostly about the project that they were going to do. Apart from that topic, he could only engage in small talk—and doing that had only increased the awkward gap. It felt like he was being forced to talk, and he didn't like that.

To him, prep week was long and arduous. 

Firstly, they had to pull all-nighters to plan and prep for the competition, making sure that everything had the least chance of falling apart when they start to build their project from scratch in China.

Secondly, was because he was seeing you less. He had only visited you twice that week. The first was at the beginning of the week and the second was yesterday when he gave you a long hug and a lot of small kisses on the face. He needed that long hug and kisses for the next two weeks that he wasn't going to be there on your side.

Thirdly, again, was the small talk. It somehow drained him, and it made him miss those times when you two would have long conversations. Though you did most of the talking, he didn't mind. He loved your stories. He loved listening to your voice.

Lastly, it was because of a certain someone—a very unusual cheery, and weird electrical engineering senior. 

 He could only breathe a sigh of relief that he hadn't bothered him today... well, not yet.

On the way to the waiting area, Inui's phone rang in his pocket, he quickly fished his phone from his pocket.

Sunshine calling...

He slid the green button to answer, and he was met with your tired face on the screen.

You had only finished your last session of chemo on the first cycle. You and your mom were glad that this time, there weren't very straining aftereffects on your body. However, you still felt tired and nauseous.

"Hey..." you weakly greeted, waving a hand.

Inui smiled softly at you, the kind of smile that would've turned some heads of his teammates to get a second look. Because who knew that this blonde, usually stoic, and cold teammate would've ever smiled warmly like that?

𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙡𝙪𝙢𝙖𝙣 | 𝘪𝘯𝘶𝘪 𝘴𝘦𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘶 𝘹 𝘧𝘦𝘮𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now