t w e n t y - s e v e n

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Author's note: sorry for the long wait! 

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"Congratulations Miss (l/n). The chance of you getting better through chemotherapy has a slim chance but the results say here that it made such a great improvement in your condition. You might get to have a bone marrow transplant after the second cycle of therapy. We just need to conduct more tests to see how your progress will remain this way and this is also to check the other effects that chemo has done to your body," the doctor reported on the day you had your last chemo session.

Everyone in that room was so glad and relieved to hear the results.

Your mom who had worked tirelessly to be able to afford your hospital bills and who was always there beside you despite her heavy working hours hugged you and shed some tears. You could only hug her back in happy tears.

Koko, your cousin, who people would assume you are not on good terms with due to all the fights you two would have, smiled at the corner of your room, his chest never felt so light. Aside from your mom, he was the one who spent the most time looking after you since day one. To be able to hear your progress felt like those days of seeing you suffer and fall into depression were about to disappear. You were going to be alright.

There was also Mitsuya who immediately flashed you a happy look after the doctor had announced the results. After your mom hugged you, he too walked towards you and gave you a quick hug. Never had he felt happier than he was now. His best friend is going to get better.

As soon as the doctor left, the door opened yet again as a familiar head poked out of it, scanning the room for any doctors or senior nurses.

"What happened? Did the chemo work?" Yuzuha asked before properly going inside the room seeing that it was safe for her to go in.

You grinned upon seeing your nurse friend, "Yes it did!"

Yuzuha's face beamed in excitement as she rushed towards you hugging you, "Oh my God! (Y/n)! Congrats! This is such great news!"

You hugged her back, and your eyes watered. Emotions start to swirl in your chest gushing such extreme emotions like crashing waves. It was surreal and it took a couple of minutes before fully processing everything.

You were going to be okay. You were going to live longer. You were going to spend so much more time with these people whom you love and cherish.

You were going to live.

You grabbed your phone from your side table. This person was someone you wanted to talk to after hearing your results.

Calling Seishu <33


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