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"Hey, watch it!" an angry college student yelled after a certain dazed blonde mechanical engineering student had unknowingly bumped into him.

The blonde let out a lazy "sorry" not even looking at the person he had just offended -- a half-assed apology but he just wasn't himself lately. The unknown college student could only roll his eyes before storming off, not wanting to lead the scenario to something more serious, luckily for Inui Seishu.

Inui continued to mindlessly stroll along the university grounds, blocking the noise out from his ears with a pair of headphones blasting various genres of music on shuffle. He hoped that doing this would distract him from the lingering feelings of insanity that were about to devour him if left alone in his thoughts for a considerable amount of time.

He hoped that it could stray him from how vacant the space beside him had become or how cold and empty the gaps of his fingers had felt. It had already been four months since you had ghosted everyone—vanishing the traces of your existence into thin air.

No one knew where you had gone, or how you were. The worst-case scenarios had been wreaking havoc in his mind. He would've honestly preferred a break-up than to deal with all this but somehow, he just couldn't bear the thought of ending his relationship with you either.

He loves you a lot.

And that was his drive to continue hoping that you were okay. 

Upon catching a glimpse of an establishment-- he had been to probably more than a hundred times now. He stopped in his tracks and removed his headphones from his ears, letting them rest on his shoulders.

He sighed. It seems that his mindless stroll had unconsciously brought him here. Well, this happened several times already that he was left unperturbed by it. 

Another sigh had left his lips once again.  Closing his eyes for a brief moment, he tried to relive a memory of you running towards him whenever he had waited for you in front of the dorms.  

How he missed his sunshine dearly. It had been a while since he had lived under grey skies.

Staring at the glass door entrance, his eyebrows furrowed upon noticing a van in front of the dorm building. When it left, a familiar figure was left standing where the vehicle was. Quickly, he approached the female figure who had a downcast expression painted on her face.

"Sayu?" he spoke, alerting the female.

She jumped in surprise, but her frowning face contorted into a look of horror at the sight of the blonde. Which immediately made Inui suspicious of her reaction.

"What is happening?" he questioned mentally. But even with how much he wanted to know the answer to that question, just looking at the girl made him hesitant.

"I was hoping that you wouldn't have to see that," she began, "I don't know how to explain this to you, so look at this first."

Sayu gave him a yellow envelope. Opening it, Inui read the contents of the paper inside the envelope. He immediately regretted it as reading the papers only made him feel confused—now more than ever.

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