s i x t e e n

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Author's note: sorry for the long wait! 

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Inui Seishu's lungs were filled with cold and sharp air as he ran into the hospital. Swiftly and carefully, he had avoided the passing nurses and patients present in the lobby while he had to quickly apologize to those he had almost bumped into.

"No, not again," his thoughts echoed at the back of his head.

His last memory with a loved one inside a hospital was rather depressing—he did watch his sister flatlined in one. Though he wouldn't mind if he went for regular health check-ups but hearing that you were admitted after fainting was a different story.

Just earlier, when he went to the university to look for you, Mitsuya had run after him immediately after receiving a phone call from your student dormitory head. After he had told the blonde about you being rushed to the hospital after bleeding and fainting in front of your professors, he didn't waste a second to run towards the hospital.

Bad thoughts and memories immediately filled his head, crashing in like violent waves.

He stopped in his tracks, wiping the beads of sweat that formed in his forehead. It had taken a few seconds to catch his breath before asking the lady behind the front desk.

"I'm looking for (L/n) (Y/n), she's a student at Tokyo University," he inquired, trying to sound as calm as possible.

The woman nodded, typed in a few letters on her keyboard, and looked at him. "She's currently at the emergency room. Though it says here, she'll be moved into a ward later," she explained.

"Thank you," Inui bowed respectfully before going towards the door with a big sign, printed in red, bold letters 'EMERGENCY ROOM' -- it said.

He gently pushed the door and went inside. Trudging across the room lines with white curtains that acted as partitions in between patients for privacy and some empty hospital beds, he probed his surroundings. His eyes frantically scanned for familiar faces—Sayu, your professors he had seen in the fashion show earlier, anyone—just someone.

"Inui!" a feminine voice called out; he quickly turned his head to the source. He sighed in relief and marched towards Sayu.

"Thank God you're here. I didn't have your number, so I had to call Mitsuya," she exhaled heavily—her face exuded an expression of relief.

"It's fine. Where is she?" he asked immediately.

Sayu opened the curtain and there you were—smiling in a silly demeanor as if nothing had happened. He thought that it was just like you to be like this.

"Seishu! Hi!" you chimed, waving your hand energetically at him.

"She just woke up a few minutes after your arrival," Sayu informed, "Anyway, I'll leave you two to talk, I'll be outside if you need me," she said before walking out of your space in the ER.

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