Mho: Different Ending

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Warning: a lot of angst and a bit of swearing, also some maybe bloody description
(Event: Artemis stayed more in touch with the orphanage and came by every time he could. Takes places during the bank robbery, Artemis is with Miss Rose while she pays off some stuff for the orphanage. Artemis has extremely good control over his quirk and he, Kiyo, and Sapphire have a siblings bond.)

*Artemis's pov*

I stood there angrily looking at the villains who where overpowering the heroes. I was even more upset to know that the very person that I considered a sibling was helping out in this bank robbery. I held out my and and removed some shadows and saw Miss Rose passed out. Probably for the better.

I looked at the villains and then dipped into the shadows coming in close. Davis was near by and I could understand that he could be shocked and scared but something needed to happen. I pulled out a mask that I had made for my hero costume out of inspiration for Shino's mask but mines just to hide my identity.

I put it on and then used the shadows and grabbed Rain I believe their names was and I made a quick movement and they tripped falling to the ground and then I dragged them to the opposite side of the room.

"What the hell what that!" Database said stareing at where Rain was.

"Who else is in here!?" I'm assuming the ring leader yelled looking around so I showed myself.

I didn't have my hero costume on only casual clothes and the mask. I sighed as I sent a shadowy clone of myself down to were the money was and I found where they were hiding. I soon made that clone disappear.

"No one of importance." I said to the ring leader and I dodged and went back into the shadows to avoid the big brawny guy.

"Stop hiding and let me skin you so you blood can be given to the blood god!" He yelled.

I sighed and went down to the vault area and I came out and stood there. Flex was shocked to see me.

"Umm... Guys we have someone weird here!" He yelled and Kiyo, Kol, and Colin came out.

"What the-" he said and I stepped forward straight at Kiyo. Anger had filled me and Sandy controlled my movement as I ran forward and punched Kiyo as hard as I could across in left side of his face.

"How could you do this! I thought you wanted to be a hero but here you are doing a villains dirty work!" I yelled out in frustration. Kiyo knew my voice well enough even if it does slightly change when I'm using my quick.

"Arti..." He slowly said getting up facing me.

"Hey don't ignore us!" Kol yelled and I just stepped back and grabbed Kol's shirt and slammed my knee into his gut before tossing him to Flex and I grabbed my mask and removed it so that Kiyo could see my anger and frustration, my sadness and betrayal.

"YOU! SPECIFICALLY TOLD ME THAT WE WOULD BECOME HEROES TOGETHER! OR WAS THAT ANOTHER FUCKING LIE!" I yelled I'm sure by now the heroes and villains could hear us.

"Artemis i-" Kiyo started.

"Save it. If you going to lie about another promise you can't keep them save it. The first one was hard enough on me especially as a child growing up with no form of actual parents." I said turning facing the exit.

"Why are you here Artemis." Kol said managing to speak up.

"Kol. You have no right to speak to me. I am disappointed in you. I can't believe you stooped as low as to let a villain tell you what is good and what is bad. People lie to get what they want after all." I said leaving.

"Artemis wait!"Kiyo yelled but I just disappeared into the shadows and came up next to Davis who was extremely surprised to see me.

"What are you doing here?!" He whispered yelled at me before I used my quirk and tripped over The big man do they fell on top of Rain. Database and Ronin took the opportunity to strike even though they don't know where I am.

"I just want this fight to be over with." I said

"I..." David started before looking at his hands.

"If we help from a side line then we can win right?" I said and he looked at me.

"Sure." He said and I nodded before smiling.

"Let's go I want to leave." I said

*Fight stuff. Your interpretation of what goes on.*

*Aftermath or something like that*

I stood there, Rose was being helped out and Database was taken away because he took some harsh hits like on his side you could see where he got hit the blood was dripping a bunch and it didn't help that some of it was splated against the walls because of the few times he was thrown, but he'll make it out ok.

Ronin wasn't happy that I was here and he wasn't happy that Davis and I got involved but I personally don't regret it.

After a moment I saw some police men come up with Kiyo.

"Ronin. We found a kid in the bank vault. He seems to me the only one in there." The offer said

"Oh I know this kid. Leave with me." Ronin said anger clearly in his voice.

"Ronin can I speak to him first?" I asked

"Sure but make it so I can clearly her you two." Ronin said.

I nodded and looked at Kiyo. I'm still slightly upset at him.

"I'm sorry Artemis." Was all he said

*Yay that's where my imagination and you imagination get to take different paths. Enjoy this clip.*

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