Ooo: Red Pyramid and Demi's

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This has been on my mind for like a long while and I know I'm only half way through the book but I wanted to do this so badly so.... enjoy I geuss.

Crossover of Origins of Olympus (on YouTube) and The Red Pyramid (book series)

*3rd person*

No one knows how anyone got into this situation. It was just a bright light with the cracking of either the earth or wall and a strong wind pulling.

One, two, three, four, five.

Five individuals either working together in a group or after a target. Sadie, Carter, Bast (in Mittens form), Zia, and Dejardin all fall into somewhat the same place. Inside a pyramid building a scarab on the ground, dorm like rooms, a bar area, a lounge.

Bast was the first up but she realized he was in a cat from and when she tried to go into a more human form should couldn't instead a small message ran through her head say "don't, not here, not in this realm."

Bast ran and bounced onto Sadie waking her up then went to Carter and did the same they both woke up as the groans of Zia and Dejardin sounded. The kids quickly moved behind the bar with Bast on top of it.

Dejardin saw them and quickly got up, he yelled at them to come out from their spot but Bast hissed at him and he growled at her.

"How dare you-" Dejardin started before a door opened. Cal looked at the situation and took a deep breath. He could sense the god like aura from the cat and the kids and he could sense the magic from the two mages.

"Whatever you were about to do I would like it if you too it outside. I don't want to have to spend time repairing this place up." Cal said after taking a deep breath and a sighed.

"Who-" Zia started but Cal stopped her by replying.

"My name's Cal. Now please take this outside and don't yell I'll get an ear full from a friend if you guys end up waking him up." Cal said

Bast looked the person up and down and look that the Kane's and tried to see if her should talk to them.

"Hey." Bast said realizing she could talk to them and was relieved by this.

"You can talk to us." Carter said with surprise.

"Apparently and I'm happy about that." Bast said before Dejardin got made pulling out a weapon and threw it straight at Bast and the Kane's tried to get up and grab Bast before weapon hit her but it was practically at point blank range until a finger snap sounded.

The Kane's wrapped their arms around Bast eyes closed while Zia and Dejardin had a shocked look on their face. Bast looked up from behind grabbed by the two kids and saw the weapon only a inch away from their fur.

"I said take this outside." Cal said pulling the blade away from Bast.

"How- you were just." Zia said looking at the spot that Cal was at but he wasn't there anymore.

"Listen I don't know what kind of conflict you guys have with each other or what dimensional universe you come from but here we like keeping this as peaceful as possible and that means taking conflicts away from this kind of area." Cal said

"Dimensional?" Bast asked

Cal twirled the weapon before it disappeared and he sighed.

"Yes all of you were brought here by a rift. A rift can open up to different dimensions bring people with them or just opening up to let anyone unfortunate enough to get close to fall through." Cal said

"Wait your saying that we are in a whole nother world that's not ours." Sadie asked

"Yes. However I can tell from sensing both magic and godly powers that you may somewhat fit in here." Cal said before snapping his fingers and Dejardin got his weapon back.

"Try throwing that again and I'll just keep it maybe give it to my friend who's good with a forage." Cal said

"Your not a normal yourself you know." Bast said

"I'm aware. I'm a totally different kind of person then you are. I don't know how things work in your world but in ours expect to see more then you plan to see." Cal said walking behind the bar and opened up the fridge and grabbed a water bottle.

"Now let's go outside you two first because I can tell you guys are hostile twords each other." Cal said and Zia looked at the Kane's and then slightly reluctantly followed Dejardin.

Bast perched on Sadie shoulder as she walked next to Carter behind Cal. It was odd because they felt a slight feeling of protection while behind Cal.

As they got outside Dejardin pulled out his weapon and pointed it at Cal who didn't flinch.

"Alright just who are no one's has every been able to do spells of that kind or even without making a hieroglyphics." Dejardin said

"I have to agree with him on this just what or who are you." Zia said

"Do you know what a Demi god is?" Cal asked

"Demigod? You mean godlings like those two?" Zia asked

"No they're different then demigods. Much different." Cal said

"Demigods wait as in something you would find in books how people thought that some people could be half god half human?" Sadie said.

"But demigods don't exist in our world because the gods were sealed away to prevent them from causing chaos to the human world." Carter said

"You two are correct. Demigods are half human half god, now there are also reincarnations. People born human but are like the physical form for the gods or goddesses." Cal said as in one swift motion hit Dejardin's blade making it firmly stick in the ground away from them.

Cal put the dagger he had back into it's sheath and took a couple of steps away and looked at us.

"Welcome to Camp Oasis a camp made for Demigods to interact with one another. We have Egyptian, Asian or Japanese, we have Greek, Nordic, Celtic, and Polynesian Pantheons here." Cal said

Bast jumped down and walked over and sat down in front of Cal and stared at him.

"What's your official title then. Your clearly part of something Egyptian with that eyeliner and necklace.

"I'm going to say thank you for not calling it something else but yes." Cal said looked at us.

"My name is Cal, I am the reincarnation of Khonsu god of the moon. Pleasure to meet you."

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