Fnaf: Hallucinogenic Gas

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/with apparently the books reveal on why Cc Afton had nightmares I figured because it's fun to have my own way of having fun with this idea. Also it just popped into my head and I had to write. Enjoy/
Warning: (Slight panic)

*3rd person*

Bryan sighed tired because of the lack of sleep he got the night before having to fill out paperwork because of Helpy. So what's the best choice for this? Duck tape. Bryan walked into the building and saw Helpy as they reached over and grabbed their credit card once again as Helpy looked up and complained before seeing how tired Bryan was. Bryan quickly grabbed them pulled out strips of duck tape and taped Helpy to the wall.

"I'm too tired to deal with your shopping addiction you can hangout here and I'm sorry" Bryan mumbled as he tossed the duck tape onto the desk and walked to security doors and opened them as he walked in calling a good morning as he walked over and sat down.

"Woah Bryan you good?" Lefty asked as I looked at him.

"I'll be find I'm just tired, I had to deal with so much paperwork thanks to Helpy" Bryan replied as a few other animatronics came over

"Sorry to hear that, do you need to just sleep?" Pig patch asked as Bryan moved getting up.

"I'll be ok to hangout today but maybe no portal because I don't think I have the energy for that, or molten..." Bryan grumpily mumbled the last one before the sliding of wires sounded

"And speak of the devil, he appears" Bryan called looking twords where he heard Molten not seeing him

"Behind you" Moltens rustic voice sounded as Bryan jumped slightly tripping on the edge of the table and chair as he surprised yelped hitting the ground and Baby quickly ran over

"Oh my god Bryan are you ok?" Baby asked as Bryan rubbed the back of his head.

"Ya I'll be fine, not thanks to you Molten. What the heck" Bryan got up and Baby watched as Happy frog walked closer

"Hey let's be nice here" she said and Molten huffed

"Ya sure whatever" Molten moved as he walked off to who knows where but Bryan couldn't careless right now

"Bryan?" Lefty asked and Bryan looked at him grumpy

"What?" Bryan asked in a flat tone with a slight glare before realizing how he said that.

"Oh wait I'm sorry, that came out rude I'm sorry I'm just... Ugh..." Bryan slightly groaned pinching my nose

"Don't worry we'll get you something to sleep with!" Pig patch yelled before he ran off twords the portal room

"Pig patch! Wait I don't need anythin-" as Bryan moved to run after the pig animatronic twords the portal room, but it was too late as Pig patch ran back running into Bryan, and accidentally tossed or dropped a container which Molten walked in just in time to see

"Wha- NO!" Molten yelled as the container hit the ground then suddenly exploded into gas as Bryan got covered in the smoke and he coughed through it as Molten ran in and grabbed Bryan and pulled him into another room away from the smoke as it was spreading and Molten looked at Bryan knowing they are all in for something interesting but not in a good way.

*Bryan's pov*

I tried to stop pig patch from doing anything but by the time I got to him he was waving around this container as he ran into me and I felt myself hit the floor and it hurt but then this gas got spread everywhere and I started to tear up as I coughed because it was so dry, it felt like I was trying to inhale sand or something like. I had heard Molten yell before his fast pace running came and grabbed the back of my jacket and pulled me as he took me to the starlight stage and dropped me before running off again.

I don't understand why Molten was being friendly in that kind of way, was the gas harmful? I know he's been trying to kill me and also trying to keep me alive for his own plans with Mr Afton but still. I still don't get it but I couldn't focus long on that as I opened my eyes and everything was a bit darker. Were the lights turned off?

I sat up and looked around before I moved getting off the stage and looked twords the animatronics. I screamed falling back as I looked at these horrific nightmare fuel animatronic that were once friends of mine. Ballora, Funtime Freddy, Funtime Foxy. They all looked terrifying and I swear I watched as their heads snapped twords me eyes glowing like they wanted to attack.

"Bryan are you ok!?" I heard a familiar voice of Baby call and I looked over only to freak out even more when I saw this towering version of Baby coming twords me their mouth opening a bit exposing these teeth as claws reached for me

"Ah! Stay back!" I yelled as I hit a table before I quickly tried to scrabble but I felt something grab my leg and pull me over and I looked over and screamed terrified even more by these broken nightmare looking animatronics.

Pig patch, Happy frog, Lefty, and... Molten looked even more horrific. My breath picked up as I couldn't hear and I struggled while these monsters pinned me down speaking but I couldn't pull words I just felt sick as tears formed and fell and my chest felt like it was getting tighter every passing second.

*Molten's pov*

Ok so hallucinating gas is very effective and has some great results even to adults. I can tell that to Mr Afton although having Bryan as a test subject was not in the plans. I had pulled him to the starlight stage and then opened the doors and turned on the ventilation system to get everything aired out as quickly as possible as Helpy tried to call to me to get them down but I ignored them as I walked back in.

I had heard Bryan's scream and Baby went to go see him and I knew this wasn't going to end well as I moved and grabbed one of these kids blindfolds for pinatas and folded it and quickly got to Baby who was trying to talk to Bryan.

"Molten what the hell was that?" She glared at me as a wire grabbed Bryan and pulled him closer as he screamed terrified

"I'm not explaining everything that I have" I hissed as Pig patch, Happy frog and Lefty walked in and Lefty pointed at Bryan

"I think Bryan's about to have a panic attack" I said as I looked at Bryan who's breath was picking up as tears was falling. I need to take care of this

"Hold him down so I can get this over his eyes he's freaking out because of the hallucinogenics" I said as Baby looked at me quickly

"Hallucinations!? Seriously? What the hells your plan with Bryan!?" Baby yelled

"Just shut up and hold him down" I growled as they helped out and Bryan was trying his hardest to get out as he moved and got the blindfold over his eyes and held it there not able to tie it just yet

"Alright try to calm him down, also let go I can hold it this way" I said as they all immediately let go letting Bryan move as he backed away and tried to grab the blindfold but I moved quickly tying it and grabbed his hand getting close to his ear

"You take this off your dead, if you can't see them they can't see you" I hissed as Bryan froze up, seems like that made it through.

"Bryan! Please take deep breaths it's ok" Baby called as I left go of Bryan's hand as he sat there trying to listen to the surroundings as Lefty came over and sat down starting to go through breathing exercises and slowly Bryan calmed down and after some silence he spoke

"What.... happened?" His voice was a bit raspy from the screaming, no surprise, as I turned twords him

"Nothing too important, Pig Patch simple grabbed something I was never intending on using" I said as Bryan turned his head twords me and he frowned, obviously glaring.

"It was hallucination gas Bryan" Happy frog said as Bryan immediately looked at her

"Hallucination!- what the heck Molten!" Bryan yelled as I scoffed

"Just go to sleep it'll wear off" I said taking my leave. I better hid the rest of the containers or toss them back into the portal. They don't need to be within grabbing range.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11 ⏰

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