Fto: Villainous Divinity

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/villian Divinus Magia au what chaos will happen with them./

*3rd person*

Divinus Magia, once a good guild now allied with one of the most dangerous dark guild out there. It's harbors sealed from the city of Atlantide and only accessable by boat or air travel only a few can make it over.

David and Lucas have similar situations with them having shared sessions with their god and demon. Which means with some warning the god or demon can take control for a little bit.

Jupiter finally corrupted Ritchie's mind and therefore gave back control to Brandon who Ritchie then corrupted. So now as one Brandon and Jupiter rule Divinus Magia with Ritchie and his two demons.

Inmo and Mori are often seen together and are by each other's side at almost all times. If Inmo's alone it's probably because he wants to pester someone with an absolutely horrible prank or....Mori is just out getting a couple of souls for themselves.

Blake is partners in crime with Lucas and Galrin. She often is seen in her dragon force form as it makes her feel confident and of course powerful.

Miss Prenderghast who was well, a demon, to begin with simply followed along with the guild. It's the guild she's attached to, it's the guild she'll remain with. Evil or not.

Polly is only around for Kit who is kinda in the middle grounds. Kit will do the things the guild wants however she has a hard rule of if they didn't do anything wrong then I won't kill them. She's becoming more of an assassin then anything and she's the quickest worker when it comes to reading through papers or unlocking locked doors.

Devin was the last to be corrupted. Having fused with Eden you would think it's easy to turn. Not really. However Devin soon turned and with some worked out stuff he and Eden can be split apart for a bit of time, but of course the magic has to be equally shared.

Devin turned fully when his love got the best of him and he's seen with Ritchie being his partner in crime in probably the worst ways possible. This leaves Michael heartbroken with little hope to ever getting his brother back. Devin knows it's only a matter of time before even the greatest shadow mage turns dark.

Devil's Tongue is at this point is apart of Divinus Magia in fact the guild leaders have been deciding to call the guild something different something combining both Divinus Magia and Devil's Tongue.

Devil's Magia.

The dark guild once two guild now one. Monty and Cassideya have accepted second in command and high respected second leaders when Brandon or Ritchie were out. This is especially the case when it came to Lucas or David.

Lucas and David are still scared to their souls by Miss P who just simply got even more dangerous for them, but both of them are often fighting in deadly but friendly fights. It shows their love for each other, platonically.

Blake and Lucas are lovey with each other and that's the only time Blake will not be in her dragon force form. Their favorite spot is a spot Mario made to overlook the ocean. Lucas politely asked.

Mania found it hard to love someone who's guild went corrupt and that made Mario heartbroken and easy to turn. Now the worst enemy of the Protectors guild he will not stop to sink buildings into the ground unless forcefully stopped.

The guild has stopped insulting him but the only one who still insults Mario is David everyone else stopped calling him, pebble brains.

Yes he did once shove David into the ground, 6 feet, quite literally.

David would have died if Lucas hadn't witnessed it and made a deal with Mario and David was brought back up. Lucas you could say is the third in command. Cassideya has told this to Lucas but Lucas hasn't ever told anyone else.

Plant/Echeveria wasn't happy with the changes but soon enough followed in the footsteps of their parents, aka David and Lucas, and went evil. They still strangle you with vines and are often seen in the garden tending to the plants.

Break a plant on that island and the wrath of not only Echeveria but David will be upon you, unless it was meant to have been cut out or used, like veggies. Also if the plant was Echeveria's favorite then Lucas, Blake and Kit will have you cut down and slowly torn to bits.

The other small members of the guild despite the evil guild had always found it a home better then other guilds so even if the change was an unhappy one the guild still remains a firm family and that's why they stay.

Biblico has started to think for himself a bit more and stopped calling on the Lord so much as he got a much closer bond to Lara then ever before.

Nix was happy to allie with Devil's Magia but he does keep his own distance from specifically Brandon/Jupiter who's still a bit frustrated at him for leaving the first time around. It's only fair.

Also David has fights quite often with his step brother and often times it results with a broken bone or frozen ice balls that need to be unfroze later on.

Devil's Tongue + Divinus Magia=

Devil's Magia the dark guild.

A family to strong criminals any criminal under B class is eliminated unless they were here as the guild became a dark guild. It's family connection after all. Blood related or not.

Enemy to all of Atlantide.

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