Fto & Ooo: Demi's as Mages

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This just came to my mind and I thought to share it seeing as it's an au I don't think people have thought of.

It's simple but at the same time not simple. Best way of doing this chapter is by explaining.

So origins of Olympus characters as Mages. Simple right? Well now you have to think about their magic and who would still be guild leaders or not.

So for magics best example would be: Lucas and Cal: Time Godslayer Magic.

Lucas is a god Slayer and Cals a time demigod so putting two and two together.

Ritchie/Riccaro: Chaos Devilslayer
Brandon/Lychee: Fire Devilslayer
Fto Bryan/Ooo Bryan: light/life Dragonslayer
Lo'pho/Xylo: Death Godslayer
Devin/Dranne: Fire Creation
Eden/Drannus: Dooms Days
Davis/David: Dark Trickery Devilslayer
Brinley/Blake: Light/life Dragonslayer
Viper/Mitch: Water Dragonslayer
Allumos/Inpu: Death Dragonslayer

And so on this idea was a bit complicated at first but I think it's a really cool idea.

The idea would be the exact same if fto was Ooo. Mages are now demigods.

Feel free to do what you want with if your going to make a story tell me. Because I would love to be able to see how you all put it together.

Plus I believe this would be my own original idea.

I know short chapter but I don't know what else to put down for this chapter so ya.

Enjoy the idea.

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