SDS: Wraths command

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/let's imagine what the sin group would be like if, Michael was alive./

*Delta's pov*

I'm standing here with Lucas, who I'm keeping close eye on seeing as he's the new sin of envy, but it doesn't seem like he knows much about why he's here, and where he came from.

I sighed as I heard some angry conversations coming and I knew that it was the rest of the sins. Michael was arguing with Ritchie as David called my name.

"Del! Me old chum how are you doing. Oh by the way it's back." David said as he shot a glare at Ritchie.

"Much to our displeasure." Michael said and I could hear Lucas mumbling about different things.

"Hello there the names Ritchie." And I sighed.

"I'm aware of you are now come on now." I said leading the way by grabbing Lucas's sleeve to guide him.

"Oh ya that's right." David said before going over and bowed at the statue of Knight Tickler.

Brandon gave a head bow and Michael gave a bow like David was. Ritchie strolled past and David got all fussy at that. Ritchie of course started talking in his usual lustful way and I rolled my eyes as I looked at Lucas who looked absolutely confused.

"Don't worry. You'll get use to this." I said as Michael came up to me.

"So who's that?" Michael asked pointing at Lucas

"Is he this year's entertainment?" Brandon asked

"Oh the new court jester, wow what a downgrade." David said

"That's mean." Lucas said

"Also what's with being covered up it's absolutely boiling out now." David said and I could tell Michael just wanted to leave.

"I umm, no no no it's actually very cold for me. I have this to make sure that's not a problem." Lucas said

"I can warm you up." Ritchie said getting close before Michael hit him in the knee.

"Enough of this we're keeping the king waiting." I said walking forward and Lucas was hesitant, but I called for him to follow and and sped walked closer to me.

"Your highness!" David yelled

"Your highney!" Ritchie cried and I could hear Michael groan

"Can you not do that." Michael asked

"What?" Ritchie asked as they all came forward.

"Delta, I do believe their is an extra one." Arthur said and I nodded

"Yes this one showed up." I said

"Showed up?" Arthur asked

"We don't know him." David said

"Why is he here?" Michael asked

"Lucas open up your jacket and show everyone what you showed me." I said and Lucas nodded before turning away.

"Does this make any sense to anyone?" Lucas asked looking at the sins with his open jacket and serpent mark of envy.

"A new sin." Michael said

"Who beat you?" David asked looking at Lucas.

"N-no one." Lucas asked

"Who beat you. I'll slay them with my axe." David said before Arthur cleared his throat.

Everyone got back into line as Arthur looked at them but Michael made his way over and got closer to Lucas to examine him. Lucas took a step back and I coughed getting his attention.

"Michael, you can question him later." I said and he back up.

Arthur explained the remains of the demon army and David and Ritchie started making joke. Michael yelled at them and they shut up and he told them I would be coming along.  I sighed as I nodded and soon enough we left.

"You bow on the way out!" David told Lucas and Lucas had to bow at Sir Tickler before getting approached by Michael.

"I-..umm is there something I can help you with?" Lucas asked nervous.

"So your the new sin if envy." Michael said

"I umm ok?" Lucas said

"Michael I know your curious but please back up." I said and Michael sighed backing away from Lucas.

"Let's go to my observatory I'll tell you everything." I said and Ritchie tried to flirt with me but Michael kicked him in the shin making him fall.

Lucas came back over to me and sighed. I honestly do hope things don't get overly chaotic with this group. Actually what am I thinking I'm going to lose braincells around them. Both me and Michael are.

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