CH: Celestial Bits

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/For those who may not know this CH stands for Celestial High. Now enjoy/

*Mild cussing*

*3rd person*

Lucas sighed as he followed his fellow mates they had just finished telling Hades, his dad, that Michael had died and now all of them were back in their rooms with nothing to do.

Lucas sat in the corner in the room Brandon sat on his bed comfortably. Eventually Brandon got up and left and Lucas could hear him over in David and Ritchie's room. Lucas groaned as he put his head on his knees hugging his legs.

"Is he really just, permitly dead?" Lucas asked being the child of Hades you would think that your dad actually wanted to teach you a thing or two about your powers but no. Hades regards Lucas as a accident. Lucas clenched his fists growing anger he hadn't realized that his powers were coming to him.

Lucas glared at the wall with anger twords his father, that was until he started hearing them, the whispers of the dead. Lucas looked up and around getting out of the corner and looked around frantically. The sounds of the dead yelled and whispered all around him and Lucas closed his eyes and then tripped on the couch causing it to fall backwards causing it to thud loudly on the ground.

"Hey! The fuck you doing in here?" David said slamming the door open and I looked at him and blinked. The voices were gone as Brandon and Ritchie came in.

"Come on man can you seriously not be left alone?" Ritchie asked and Lucas looked at the wall.

"Well don't be lazy, get up and fix the couch." Brandon said

"Ya ya ya." Lucas said rolling his eyes as he got up.

Lucas sighed as the others left walking down the hall and Lucas put the couch back to it's original place.

"How long do you think you can put up with this?"

David, Brandon, Lucas, and Ritchie all ran through the labyrinth away from the creature that lurked in the horrid maze. The creature roared as they three got to a dead end.

"Oh come on!" Lucas shouted as they all backed up the creature slowed down it's snout just coming around the corner.

"You have it Lucas." David yelled before shoving the book that had found in the labyrinth into Lucas's arms.

"Wha- why me!?" Lucas yelled

"Because your easy bait plus that thing is after the book if anyone's going to die it would be you since you murdered Michael." David said

"I did no such- ugh fine." Lucas said as the creature started to come around the corner, it's eyes glowed as it stared at them.

All four backed up until Ritchie pushed Lucas twords the thing. Lucas yelled as he tripped over a small bush and the cranking of something clicked as Lucas fell holding the book he looked up at the beast as it roared at him and he flinched back before suddenly the ground shook and all of them got flung into the air.

All four yelled before each crashed into trees and bushes. Lucas hit a tree and then fell into a bush, Ritchie hit a tree and landed in between some of it's branches. Brandon landed in some bushes while David hung upside down on a tree.

"Well that was lovely." David said

"I mean that's one way of running away from a monster." Ritchie said

"Another way to get out of the maze." Brandon said and Lucas got up and flinched then looked down to see that he had some cuts but he wasn't bleeding the normal blood, it was lava, well almost it was burning hot but it looked like lava.

"Ok this is weird." Lucas said

"Wait where's the book!?" Ritchie yelled and Lucas got up and underneath him was the book.

"Here." Lucas said

"Oh thank god. You made yourself useful for once." David said

"Hey what's that supposed to mean!?" Lucas yelled as he got up.

"Come on let's go we have to head back and patch ourselves up otherwise Hades will catch up on us." Brandon said and Ritchie crashed onto the ground.


"That bastard!" David almost yelled until his mouth was covered.

"Shh are you trying to get us caught?" Ritchie said in a whisper.

"Ya seriously wait until we get out and I to a private area to yell your ass off." Lucas said

"Oh ya like your one to talk." David said

"Ya Lucas why did you even have a labeled book for you on sushi?" Ritchie asked

"I don't know!?" Lucas as Brandon started to whine until David slapped his hand over Brandon's mouth.

"Shhhh..." He said and they all stayed quiet until the door opened and all of their hearts skipped a beat. They were hiding under a bed as Hades made his way around and soon enough left the room.

"Ok I think we need to leave, like now." Lucas said and all of them got out of the space they were in.

"Go go go." David said as all of them jumped out of one of the few open windows onto a edge and walked across it until they got to a safe spot and jumped off into trees.

"Ok we really need to stop jumping into trees." Lucas said as all of them groaned

"Sorry but not sorry about this." Ritchie said grabbing Lucas and threw him into a tree right as Hades came around the corner.

"What the hell Ritchie!" Lucas yelled until he saw Hades then played along with it.

"What in hells name is going on here!?" Hades yelled

"Oh I was using Lucas to get David and Brandon out of the trees since for some reason Lucas thought it would be a good idea to climb trees, when we don't climb trees often people get stuck you know!" Ritchie yelled a d Lucas sighed

"Ya sure that's how it went." Lucas said and hades groaned.

"Alright all of you get back to your room now!" Hades yelled

"Ya but how do we get down?" David asked before his body god morphed and he fell out same with Brandon.

"Oh god please never do that again. Oh ugh." David said as he pat himself down with a groaned look and Brandon looked ready to barf.

Lucas looked grossed until he got harshly pulled from the tree and dropped. Ritchie looked grossed by the fact that Brandon and David got morphed like that.

"There now back to your rooms!" Hades yelled and all of them went running.

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