Ooo: Roses Friend #2

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*Roses Pov*

I smiled as I looked at Blood Moon and his small crew. Book Inpu, Cannibal Mitch, and blood thirsty Nad. It's an interesting group indeed. However if I don't wrap up this meeting quickly Bryan's going to come here and he's probably not going to be happy.

I know what he's feeling because I've been soul bound with him. So right now he's not happy from what I can tell he probably got into a fight. Ever since he got into a tussle with Mitch because of my revival he's not been happy with camp.

All I'm going to say about my revival is that to make sure that Bryan was "on the good side." He had to get rid of me which he had explained ahead of time so he lived for five years secretly planning my return.

He had kids with Inpu who knows about me and Bryan but has been sworn to secrecy. So Bryan's kids helped bring me back but Bryan's the one who bound to me for very specific reasons.

"So what brings you guys to my table?" I asked looking at Blood Moon.

"I wish to speak to you about things." Blood Moon said to me and I looked at everyone else.

"What is it that you wish to talk about?" I asked

"Well it's privet matters if you understand what I'm saying." Blood Moon said and I sighed as I knew Bryan was coming.

"Hey Dina! I see you over there!" C.M or Cannibal Mitch said.

After that it got into a whole conversation on how Xylo died. However I know Xylo's not gone so having her here is not beneficial.

"I don't like that she's here. I'd rather have her leave this area and soon." I said glaring at here.

"What? Why not? She killed Xylo." C.M said

"Because I know what Xylo's abilities are. She many have killed him but he's not dead. I think the only thing that'll kill Xylo is old age." I said turning and went up to my throne sitting down.

"You know this because of the inside traitor don't you." Drannus said. I knew he was talking about Bryan, he knows Bryan is on my side.

"Of course I am and from I know he's coming soon so if you stick around you might get a thank you from him." I said and right on time the portal opened and I chuckled.

"You have an inside traitor?" Book Inpu said.

"Yes. Everyone meet Light." I said as Bryan walked through his outfit was different then the outfit he always wears to camp and he wore his mask that he crafted to keep his identity secret.

"I see your meeting still in session. Rose." Light said

"Yes and we have some other interesting ones as well." I said pointing at blood moon and his crew.

Bryan was silent as he walked over and then violently punched Mitch in the gut.

"That feels better." Bryan said

"Ouch what the fuck that hurt!" He yelled before Bryan smashed his foot into his face and walked away.

"What was entertaining to watch." Nad said smiling.

"I will admit that was unexpected. So your names Light?" Blood Moon asked

"Yes it's Light, who are you." Bryan said and I chuckled.

"An evil friend who has intensions of getting rid of camp." I said and Bryan looked at me.

"Oh. Alright if that's the case my only requirement is that you leave Inpu and his kids alone." Bryan said

"So you don't mind if we kill everyone else?" Blood asked

"Like I would care for those people who banished me from camp for something I couldn't control. Still slightly upset at you for that Rose." Bryan said and I laughed

"Well at least we are on nice terms now." I said

"Ya sure." Bryan said

"So your a camp traitor?" I looked over at Dina who was hiding. Until Bryan walked over and grabbed her.

"Yes. Yes I am and I will say this once, you better not look into me or I'll have to make sure your immobilized. I don't kill people but I sure will make them suffer." Bryan said dropping her. I could see Blood watching Bryan carefully.

"If you don't kill then how do you get rid of people?" Bookpu asked

"I just drag them here and give Rose a reason to kill them." Bryan said and I laughed.

"Anyways, Light you came here because you are...unhappy to say the least?" I asked

"YES! Fucking Mitch. God if I could just rip off his arm right now that would be great." Bryan said

"Wait that's why you hit me!?" C.M asked

"Ya you look exactly like Mitch so I hit you." Bryan said

"Well Xiphos is in his room with Kit so if you want to take him and have him play with the kids at your beach go right ahead I'm sure he'll like it." I said and Bryan walked away.

"You have an interesting... friend." Blood said

"Yes but he's the one who has been planning my return." I said and blood moon nodded as I came down

"Now you wanted to speak in private?" I asked and Blood nodded and we both left.

*Blood Moon's pov*

This meeting has been, good to say the least. Rose is very competitive and I made sure to tell Mitch to return Dina back to came unharmed. Her and Roja are mine to deal with, and Light. I feel like I know him but from somewhere.

I stopped as I neared the house which I believe the Rose spoke of. I hid himself and went to the beach area and I was surprised when I saw Xiphos the Rose's brother playing with the children of Inpu and Bryan. I looked around before spotting a very familiar mask on a table next to Inpu and...Bryan.

Bryan's alive in this world. I smiled a bit when I put things together. Bryan's Light, and Inpu's working for him which means that they will be fine with us getting rid of camp.

I left walking a bit away before teleporting into the time space. I sat down in my chair and looked at the three empty ones before me.

This was most certainly interesting

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