Fto: Rouge Dragonslayer

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/I honestly loved Bryan's interactions with Divinus Magia so here's an au where Bryan does some things and Divinus Magia takes action because of his forced actions. Enjoy/
*Some minipulation, some angst, and some wholesomeness*

(Very long chapter have fun)

*Ritchie's pov*

I sighed as I looked at the new bounty. There has recently been a fire starter running lose and the most recent case of him was in a city the closest to Atlantide.

Jonathan sent me and Brandon this because it's been getting out of hand. This particular mage seems to only burn down houses but everything else he leaves alone. He's also been the cause of some forest fires and the collapse of trees blocking trade routes.

However with the more recent case of his showing he had been seen crying while doing his actions. Clear regret, at this point I'm assuming that his actions are not his own.

"What are you looking at Brother?" Brandon asked coming in as some other guild members came in.

"Well just got the mail and well.... Here just see for yourself." I said handing the letter and poster.

"What's that?" Mario asked

"A fire mage wanted poster." Brandon said letting the guild see the poster.

"Ah some brat causing troubles I see." Bjorn said sitting on a touch again.

"Another fire wizard?" Kit asked

"...I see so this has become a request." Brandon said

"Yup. The location and apprehension of this mage has become a quest. A quest that ended at the right door." I said

"What's that supposed to mean?" David asked

"The reward is a great one and it also means a new guild member." I said

"Wait is that why you called us here?" David asked

"No, I wanted to talk about the GMG but after that we'll be taking a field trip. Inmo, Kit, Mario, and David you guys will be taking this quest. Me and Brandon will be watching how you guys do things and if things get out of hand." I said

"Are you saying we can't face him!?" David said

"No that's not what we are implying what we are implying is that we should be careful of this mage they are not only strong but also extremely good a hiding." Brandon said

"Great." Mario said

"Do we have to be the ones to deal with him?" Kit asked

"Yes. Now let's talk about the GMG so we can get this quest over with." Brandon said and I smiled.

*Bryan's pov*

I walked down the pathway down into the next village. If I could go back in time I would without a hesitation.

You see, my actions aren't exactly my own and the voice controlling me hasn't left my head and it's been a couple of years. Sure they leave at times but they always come back.

As of recently I've been showing a lot more of my emotions but I'm suppressing it again they punished me last time. As I walked I heard a snap and I looked behind me to see a guild. No ordinary guild.

Divinus Magia.

"Found you." A half open shirt man said if I recall from studying the guild his name is David

"That's them?" A new member names Kit said.

"Yup that's them." Ritchie said

"He smells off." Mario said and I'm not surprised he said that.

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