Sds/Fto: The Lands That Differ

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/I can just see this crossover. I mean it was a lot of fun to write. So enjoy/
*Some mentions of blood*

*3rd person*

The five sins stood before king Arthur as he sighed, getting up from his seat which is slightly unusual Arthur looks at the sins with a stern look.

"I have some new which may be of concern and may lead you five into new territory that is completely different from our own." Arthur said and Delta pulled out the letter.

"You sent a summons saying that there may have been some more left over remnant of the demon army, however not here." Delta said before putting the letter away.

"That's because I believe a long lost continent was not lost and there's were the army is." Arthur said

"Care to specify your highness?" David asked

"You could go into specifics when we're in the bedroom." Ritchie said and David groaned.

"No, and I believe all of you have heard of the continental splitting earthquake that happened hundreds of years ago." Arthur said

"They called that the great quake or in some other names the earth splitter." Delta said

"What's the earth splitter?" Lucas asked.

"Alright all of you sit down. I'm going to tell you about the continent that we once had conflict with hundreds of years ago. Delta you may already know some of this, but this history has been something that has been passed down from king to king so that we are aware of the people that we think were lost to the quake." Arthur said

"Oh story time I love story time." David said with excitement.
Lucas moved from standing next to Brandon to sitting down next to Delta and Brandon moved closer to David. As much as he wanted to sleep he had to pay attention.

Ritchie sat down without a care in the world, on his right was David and Brandon and on his left Delta and Lucas. All the sins got comfortable and Delta gladly let Lucas sit close to him. Ritchie didn't like Lucas so having him in-between them was very nice.

"Alright. Let's start from the beginning. With the war of magic...." Arthur said as he sat down himself.

"The war of magic was a war that conflicted two different types of magic types. The holy magic use in Britannia today and the magic used in the land surrounding a small village called Atlantide.

Atlantide was small but it's forces of people were strong, stronger then any holy knight however the thing with their land was that it was home to some of the most fearsome beasts around. Dragons.

Dragons of many elements and two dragons could take on a army of holy knights. They taught their magic to people in Atlantide making them weld their strengths if not even greater.

The reason we started the war was because of the demons. The demons raged and became powerful so powerful that there was two classes of demons. The mutant demons and the humanoid demons."

"Wait, I never heard this. I thought there was only one class of demons." Delta said

"Merlin only got to read book that was readable before it was taken from her possession. It's a book that still remains in the castle only for the royal family to see." Arthur said

"Can we continue I'm actually quite enjoying this." David said

"Surprisingly I have to agree." Brandon said

"Please tell us more it's quite interesting." Ritchie said with a smirk. The king sighed as he continued the story.

"The mutant and humanoid never liked each other. They had conflict with everyone then one day a person living in village of Atlantide found a way to seal the humanoid demon, but not in the underground or a prison. They sealed the demon inside of themselves."

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