Fto: Rogue Boat

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/there is a lot of what if's so here's another one./
*Mentions of blood, death, and some angst*

*3rd person.*

There's a lot of what if when it comes to someone's life. Boat/Lucas is no different, just this time around instead of his god killing everyone and getting sealed Boat fights back and stops them preventing a massive massacre.

However when Boat's teacher Nesso (I don't know how his name is spelled) tried to seal Galrin, Galrin forced Lucas away.

Living in the shadows now being pestered by his god contently. Boat because of his young age slightly bends to Galrin's will seeing as that's the only way he's been surviving.

Galrin uses this to her advantage so that when Lucas is in a predicament that he's can't get out of she takes control and kills everyone. Boats kinda fine with this However the only reason why he doesn't push harder on Galrin and stays back and not having control is because he thinks he can bond with the god. Maybe get them to not be their brutal self and work with him on a good scale.

However this often results in town floodings even though there is literally no massive water source, like and a ocean or a lake, around and Galrin often brushes off Lucas's comments.

A bounty is brought to the Divinus Magia guild, and later, a quest. Nesso having traveled to Atlantide to seek out a guild that is strong and can help Lucas, finds it fully acceptable to have him with Divinus Magia.

However with the bounty up other unwanted eyes see this and want to take it if not be able to see it first hand.

As a SS class mission Ritchie and Brandon take it. They don't fully know that it's Nesso that sending them this mission all it says is this:

Find him and bring his back alive.

The pay his high and is enough to pay for at least 2 months worth of Bjorn alcohol..... Let's get into what happens.

*Boat's pov*

I sighed as I sat there in the cave. Ever since Galrin took control for the first time both me and her have been trying to work things out. What's worst is that every day I feel like I'm losing myself.

I know someday Galrin's going to take control and when that day comes and I can only hope someone out there is will to just end me.

"Lucas." Galrin said as I felt a small power surge. She's changed my eye color again.

"What do you want Galrin." I asked knowing I probably don't have the strength to fight back if she wants something.

"Come on get up. You know we can't stay in one place for a long period of time." Galrin said and I got up.

"Your not going to take control?" I asked

".......just walk, go through the forest." Galrin said which surprised me in all honesty. When it's time to move she usually takes control but I geuss she wants me to suffer a bit more or it's one of those days

"Alright." I said getting up and headed into the forest. Also by one of those days I mean a day every now and then we're she lets me have my control.

*Ritchie's pov*

Me, my brother, and David walked into Jonathan's office to pick up a new guild member. As we got there Jonathan introduced us we got to see some of the small arguments Kit and David had until we have to take our leave.

"Actually I just remembered. Brandon, Ritchie." Jonathan called and all four of us stopped.

"You said your looking for a water mage right?" Jonathan asked because we had said we would be looking out for all the elements. Water is one we don't have.

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