Ooo/Fnaf: The Family Hidden

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/Has a bit of Mho in it but only with the Artemis Brypu child au. Yes I'm obsessed with it. Also this is going to maybe semi long but enjoy/

*3rd person*

All that was left was a note to AI Afton that said that he's in charge of the pizzeria. After that Bryan stopped showing up. Everyone started to get worried and Helpy simply said it was probably just Bryan taking a break, but as a week turned into a mouth and then a second month.... Helpy got worried because all phone calls and messages weren't getting answered.

Calling Jon and he visited Bryan's place he found out Bryan had a new address and the Fazbear company has yet to get it so there's been no contact with Bryan for two months moving into three months. Everyone was thinking the worst outcomes.

"Like what if he was kidnapped?" Lefty asked as he was sitting with Baby, Ballora, Rockstar Foxy, AI Afton and finally Molten.

"Ya this is weird, Bryan doesn't seem like the type to up and disappear like that." Ballora said

"Did you do something Molten!? Did you kidnap him like you did Freddy?" Rockstar Foxy growled looking at Molten

"I did nothing to him. You all watched him leave that day. I never come out when kids are around to I don't do anything to Bryan. He disappeared on his own" Molten said with a huff as Foxy was about to argue more until a phone rang.

"I'll get it..." AI Afton said as he walked and picked up the phone.

"Hello this is co-" AI Afton stopped as he heard the voice on the other end of the line

"Hey Afton, it's me Bryan, I wanted to say I'm so sorry for leaving." Bryan said at the other end of the phone.

"B-... Bryan?" AI Afton said as immediately everyone rushed over

"Bryan? Bryan!" Lefty yelled as AI went on speaker and they got a big shhh from Bryan

"Guys please speak quietly." Bryan asked as lefty's soft sort of crying was heard.

"We thought you were kidnapped" Baby said and Bryan sighed

"I'm sorry, I know I should have clarified, but I honestly didn't want Molten to know anything however at this point you guys are going to find out...." Bryan said as Molten listened carefully.

"So where were you Bryan?" Foxy asked

"I was with my husband." Bryan said and all of us yelled "What!?" besides Molten.

"Shhhh, again keep it down. Yes I was with my husband. I'll be able to come back to the pizzeria tomorrow, but please when I come be careful with me." Bryan asked and we were all confused.

"What's wrong Bryan?" AI Afton asked

"I'm simply going to have to bring someone with me because I can't leave him at home alone." Bryan said

"Is it your husband? Why do we have to be careful of you then?" Foxy asked

"No it's not, you'll see. I'll see you guys tomorrow." Bryan said hanging up before anyone could question.

"At least we know he alive and well." Ballora said and we all sighed

"Oh many I wonder what Bryan's bringing." Baby asked

"Knowing him nothing good." Molten said getting up and walked away.

"I feel like that's a interesting reply especially coming from you." AI Afton said and Molten looked at them then walked away to the portal room.

"Well let's see what the next day holds." Ballora said and we all nodded going to charge.

*Bryan's pov*

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