Devi Devi & Mho: Quirked Demons

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/I love Yuki in Devi Devi academy so I decided to make it a bit different. Since Yuki from Devi Devi looks exactly like Yuki from mho I thought to make it so that Mho Yuki was the one going through hell. People I can identify in mho will be friends with one another./
*Massive amount to swearing don't read if you don't like uncensored swearing. Also out of order events.*

*Yuki's pov*

Ok, I know I was the only one who survived that villian attack but still it hurts knowing all my friends and even brother had died. I wish them all a happy life were ever they are.

I sighed as I got up and looked around. It's been like 4-6 years, I can't remember, and I'm still being chased by the villian. I looked around and moved, ever since the fall of Monarch academy heroes in training from other schools have been paranoid.

I stopped when I heard a crack and I jumped activating my quirk. I looked around before I felt a sharp pain in my neck as I heard a whizz. I grabbed what was on my neck and looked at it.

I threw the dart in the direction I thought it came from but then I collapsed I didn't pass out but I was very close to.

"Good night hero." The villian said and my vision was clear enough for me to see the villian grab me and dragged me to the street. He then tossed me right as a truck was come.

Fear struck me as I shut my eyes as contact made it to my body. The sound I heard before death was the screeching tires and the honk before it all went black.

"So ya that's how I died." I said to Azure chuckling.

"Wow but you still have your ability." Azure asked

"Ya more of less, but I haven't gotten angry enough at anyone to even activate it." I said and I sighed.

"Is the X-Demon still there?" I asked opening the door.

"Doesn't look like it." Azure said

"Yay!" Iye yelled running outside.

"Alright. I don't feel safe alone so maybe we can go into one of the houses." I said

"I'll grab Iye's bed we can sleep in my house." Azure said and I said thanks as we went to her their house.

We all settled down Iye went in the basket and I made myself comfortable with pillows and a blanket while Azure got their bed.

I sighed as I exited class with the others and. I stretched I talked with Azure, Iye, and Julius as we left our class. It was nice until we were stopped.

I gave no shit to these rank 2 people while they mocked me and I'm fine with it but something ticked in me as soon as they brought in my new friends. As I grew angry I could feel my quirk or I geuss now magic wanting to tick in.

"You honestly think your going to rank up in time? I doubt it." Vetis said

"How about you shut the fuck up?" I said and I could tell my appearance changed because Raimu backed up.

"Huh you changed colors didn't know you could do that but seriously how is changing colors going to help you it's just as useless as falling in class. Worm here falling in class won't help him in the cleansing." Vetis said and that did it for me.

"Hey that's got nothing to fucking do with you! If fucking falls over I'll pick him up and carry him." I yelled as my hands heated up.

"This has nothing to fucking do with you Vetis so go fucking else were and stop fucking picking on my friends your stupid ass little bitch fucker." I yelled as I formed a fire ball and tossed it straight at them. My angry made it explode in a massive way not a normal spell, but I walked through the heat like it was nothing.

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