Sno: Full Moon Pup

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/enjoy some Sno stuff/
*Mentions of death*

*3rd person*

Bryan was born on the full moon to the leader of a pack. Bryan's father was a proud man and whenever he was holding Bryan as a baby he would hold him proudly. Bryan's mother though, even when Bryan looked around to see if he could find her, he never could. His father also never spoke of her and when he asked others around they would all give him the same reply.

Oh your mother? Your not old enough to know who you mother is.

That's what they all said and Bryan, growing up, slowly gave up. His dad wouldn't tell him and the pack wouldn't either.

Curfew time was always before the moon rose. Bryan's dad always explained that Bryan was a miracle pup. Having been born under the full moon, a real blood moon, it was a miracle that he was even alive considering the place they where at.

However everything changed. The monsters that once stayed outside the walls got more and more violent and it didn't help that Vampires also came and destroyed the gate that kept the monsters out.

Bryan's dad in a desperate attempt called all of his pack to take different directions and meet up in higher grounds away from the threat, but that didn't work, Vampires and an onslaught of angry animals came and killed everyone.

Bryan dug himself into a hole and watched terrified as his village got ransacked. Bryan dug a bit deeper and covered the hole completely the sounds of his village slowly faded away as he fell asleep.

He knew the worst had happened but he didn't know where to go. Where was this high ground that his dad spoke of.

Bryan 3 years old ventured out when the day came to find the place his dad spoke of. He just hoped he would find it within a few weeks.

Not a chance. It's been a year Bryan's 4 and he has no clue where he's going. Far away from his pack that use to know, Bryan avoids all danger with his senses. He knows the blood moon means danger, he always said it smelled like death.

Now wandering into some new woods out of curiosity. Climbing up into a tree he looks around taking a deep breath. His father's yelling, telling him to hid, ran through his head so he flattened himself on the tree to see some vampires run by.

In day light? I thought that was bad for them. Bryan though before coming down a few minutes later.

Bryan turned into his small wolf form and imideatly went running into a random direction hoping it was back to the woods he knew now but he was actually going in the opposite direction.

*Bryan's pov*

I stopped as I looked around. This wasn't the woods I knew which means I'm lost. Dad always warned me about getting lost. It was a bad thing become now I don't know where food is. I don't know where good places to hide are, and I don't know who lives in these areas.

Well I know I have a very good nose so I can easily avoid people but I'll have to get digging because the sun is setting and I know the dangers of the night.

I would never forget how scary the night can be not after what happened to my father's pack. I took a break and just sat down. Sitting in my human form, my ears twitched as I heard something. Quickly I get up and climb the nearest tree to avoid what was coming.

Some wolves come into view with some other werewolves and I watched as they looked around the area a bit.

"This is the strongest spot." One of them said

"Where could they have gone. I know that this smell is the smell of a werewolf, but where would they have gone?" Another said, they had a cool looking adventure hat on so I'll call him hat man.

"Up or down." Another said coming into human form.

"Definitely not down. Up most likely but that would mean... Oh. Wait do we really have to attempt to climb a tree to see if we can find this werewolf I mean how important is this werewolf." The first one said. I'll call him Mr I can't climb.

"No we aren't climbing tree and you should know by now that we werewolves aren't 100% good climbers." Said Hats staring up at the tree.

I decided not to stick around so I got up and jumped to the next branch which made some noise so now they definitely know I'm here. I jump to the next one and then the next one and I hear them yelling at me. My ears go flat as I step on two branches but went and hugged one of the trees.

They stopped and tried to get me to come down but I didn't want too. They yelled at me and I don't like that. I heard a frustrated sigh before Mr Hat person changed into his human form.

"Hey I know you can here me. Can you at least response? I won't force you out of the tree just please just speak to us." He said his tone was softer then before so I gave my loudest yip I could muster so they knew I was there listening.

"O-ok, umm can you try to tell us why your out here?" Mr Hat asked

"I got lost" I said still staying close to the tree.

"Umm ok how old are you?"

"Ummm I think 4." I said getting comfortable but shook my head realizing I couldn't get comfortable. His voice was so nice though and it sort of reminded me of dad just very different. How does that even work...

I hear them whispering so I get closer to them to hear. I couldn't put who was who because voices slightly change when people whisper.

"He's four Xylo of course we're not shaking him out of the tree."

"Come on the pup can handle it."

"Your an an idiot and I hope you know that."

"Come on."

"Keep your voice down. Listen if this is a pup we need to get it back to Packhaven. It's too dangerous for it out here."

"Ya how do you prepose we do that?"

I tried to step closer to see if I can see who's voice is who's but that just made the branch weak and I fell making a yelp. I quickly turned into my wolf form before getting up. I stared at the three who where in their human forms and I took a couple steps back.

"Hey hey hey hey hey. It's ok we won't hurt you." Mr Hat said

"Wow he's small you sure he's 4 he looks more like the size of a 2 year old pup."

"Xylo be nice" Mr Hat said to the person named Xylo.

"Sorry Alpha." Xylo said backing off.

"Alpha?" I asked looking at Mr Hat man.

"Yes I'm the Alpha of my pack. My name's Mario what's your name?

"B-...Bryan" I said said and he nodded.

"Hey why don't you come with us?"

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