Sno: Devil's Son

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/I've seen this au a couple of time but both books have only a few chapters in them and I found this absolutely adorable. Also I haven't fully watched all the supernatural origins episodes so this is probably going to be all my au and doesn't follow the actual story/

*Wholesome shit, protective devil father, angst*
(Devin as a baby incubus is found by Michael and Michael looks for his parents not wanting the child to be left alone in hell but finds a shocking truth and so he keeps Devin and takes care of him. Devin is younger then cannon because. Au)

*Michael's pov*

I sat there looking at Devin. This little Incubus was the result of me forgetting my prayer. Devin blinked as rubbed his eyes and I chuckled at him.

In all honesty I don't think I mind that fact that he's I geuss a mistake result of certain actions. I picked him up as soon as I watched his mouth move and he yawned.

"Come on Devin let's get you to bed." I said

"I am not *yawn* tired." Devin said and I rolled my eyes as I gently held him. Devin's wings relaxed as he walked up to my work room in the chalice.

The werewolves and vampires have been having conflicting battles which I find funny. The imp came in and got Devin's um... Oh right his crib. Devin's crib. I put Devin into it seeing as he had fallen asleep.

I smiled as I got to work. As long as Devin remains safe I have no problems with whatever happens with this fight for land. The imp awed as Devin moved wrapping on of his small wings around him. His tail curled up around his leg and I moved my tail and poked at the blanket and the imp got my message and grabbed it putting it gently over Devin.

"Imp, make sure that Devin is safe. It's not like me to have these feelings but I do have them." I said and the imp looked at me.

"Feelings of affection for the child?" Imp said

"Yes." I said

"Ah I believe sir that would be parental instinct, or just your body telling you that since Devin is your child that you need him to be protected." The Imp said and I nodded.

"Parental instinct huh. I do enjoy that wording." I said chuckling a bit.

The imp nodded and I dismissed him to get back to my work. I promise you'll be ok Devin.

*Time skip to future when the devil's chalice falls*

I laid there looking at the destroyed chalice and my heart sunk. Devin was in there, Devin was in there and now the whole things collapsed.

I heard footsteps as I watched the remains of the burning building. I felt rain before an ahem and I shot a glare to all of the werewolves.

"What do you want?" I said coldly trying to hold back my tears.

"To drive you away from here. You caused the blood moon and now that the chalice is gone we can also get rid of you." Mario said. Yes I know all of there names.

"I'll leave when all of you are dead on the ground!" I yelled pulling out a scythe.

"Your outnumbered you think you can take all of us on?" Xylo said trying to act tough.

"I don't care. The one thing I ever cared about was in there the one person I wanted to keep safe was in there and it's all blown up!" I yelled getting angrier by the second.

"The one thing. Someone. Wait wait wait wait we can resolve this nicely." Bryan said and I glared at him.

"What's there to resolve MY SON WAS IN THERE AND NOW HES PROBABLY DEAD BECAUSE OF ALL OF YOU!" I yelled and they all backed away from me.

"Sir please calm down." Imp said and I shot him a look saying don't stop me.

Bryan ran away and the others tried to call after him but I don't care. I went in for an attack and two other wolves with weapon stepped in protecting Mario.

"You have a son?" Xylo asked and I shoved all our weapons into the ground and the two wolves had a hard time getting theory out of the ground.

"I did. Until you blew up-" I stopped I heard crying.

Everyone looked over to see Bryan running back over holding something wrapped in a blanket. Bryan stopped five feet from me. Bryan moved the blanket to reveal Devin crying.

My anger disappeared as I slowly moved twords Bryan. I held out my arms and Bryan handed me Devin. As soon as I gently rubbed my thumb over Devin's forehead he slowly stopped crying.

"Dev's" I said and he insteantly latched onto me.

"I saw him and I grabbed him while running out of the chalice when it was starting to blow up." Bryan said and I looked at him hugging Devin close to me.

"...thank you Bryan for grabbing him." I said turning away.

"Wait-" Xylo was about to say but when I shot a glare over I saw Bryan holding his hand over Xylo's mouth.

"I'll leave. You won't have to deal with me again, I promise." I said leaving with the imp and Devin.

"Bye bye nice wolf man." Devin managed to say.

I smiled before opening my wings and flew into the sky. The imp followed and we landed for shelter in a random abandoned building.

I wrapped my wings around Devin and slowly closed my eyes.

Your top priority. That you Bryan.

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