SDS: Envy Brings AUs

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/my mind can be crazy sometimes. Here have some Sins with multidimensional people/

*Lucas's pov*

We were returning from the mission of demon remnant hunting. Me and the other sins all stopped for some time by a lake. Ritchie straight up ripped off his shirt and pants, would have done it to his underwear if Delta hadn't thrown the book at him.

So ya Ritchie's swimming trying to get someone else in with him. I declined staying with Delta. However I smelt something off and I excused myself saying I need to use the bathroom.

I followed the scent to a cave and I looked at it before walking in. I don't know how long I had been spacing out walking, but you can't blame me. The cave was beautiful walls of crystal shards both big and small. They glowed, lighting a path for me like the rocks that crunched under my feet.

I took a breath in and I found that the air was forest scented which was unusual I was thinking it would smell moss or a musky smell. I soon came out of my spaced out trance to see that the cave massively widens into a space of trees and moss.

What stood out However was the small glowing orb. I walked into the cave avoiding broken steps by jumping over them and I walked twords the orb. As I got closer I held out my hand to touch it.


I looked back at the entrance hearing my name be called by my friends. I looked back at the orb and then back at the entrance and I called out to them to let them know I was here right as I touched the orb.

"Guys I'm her-!"

*Delta's pov*

Lucas had left to got do business but it's been almost 30 minutes. Ritchie had to be grabbed and he was getting clothes back on to my relief.

"Del." David said coming over.

"What?" I said impatiently.

"I'm sure he's fine you saw what was left of that camp sight of demons." David said and I sighed.

"We're looking for him. I know he can probably handle himself but at the same time he's been gone a little more then I would have liked." I said

"Should I grab Brandon?" David asked

"Yes and Ritchie as well." I said and David groaned before leaving.

It wasn't long until all four of us went into the forest and looked for Lucas. I called out Lucas's name and then I heard a response but it was cut off and it sounded far and echoed.

"Guys I'm her-!"

"Ritchie, Brandon, David this way!" I yelled getting their attention as I went twords the sound to find a glowing cave.

"What in heavens name is this?" David asked

"Not the time to ask questions let's go." I said going in.

"Why can't we just nap..." Brandon said

"You can take a nap on me if your that tired." Ritchie said

".....I'm wide awake let's go get Lucas so we can go home." Brandon said and I rolled my eyes.

"What is this cave?" David asked

"I don't know also is it just me or do the cave walls look like they are automatically adjusting so they can let David walk through?" Brandon said and now that I looked at it, ya it was.

"Not important right now we need to find Lucas." I said

Right as I said that a scream sounded. It was something you may here when someone's in pain it was so loud and it echoed off the walls so I had to cover my ears. Everyone did, everyone had to cover their ears. As soon as the scream subsided we all looked at each other and ran forward.

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