Ooo, Mho, Sno: Crossover Chaos

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/so I geuss one thing to say is that this is a very long chapter. I hope you enjoy. Also Mho comes into this because it's a Artemis Brypu child au in Sno, also just a bit of Ooo in Sno. Have fun and enjoy/

*3rd person*

Atlas stood his ground with Femi and Lotus behind him as supernatural hunters cornered them. The hunters can't kill them because Femi keeps blocking the attacks with a light barrier. Which they have found quite annoying to deal with.

"Your making this really difficult on yourself it's better to just accept your fate." Salvador growled taking a step forward.

"No!" Atlas yelled getting more defensive with the wood sword in his hands.

"Why does this have to be difficult." Isaac (Davis) said as he groaned still pointing his gun

"Um maybe because they can use some kind of power and stay together not to mention they know how to fight and run" Isaac (zoo) sarcastically commented

"Enough of this, this is clearly isn't working out for us. We just need to finish them off." Ethan said

"Hey Father can I just grab them?" Salvador asked and Ethan nodded as Salvador walked up to them and Atlas got even more defensive.

"Just relax this'll be over soon." Salvador said with a smile until Atlas hit him in the face with the wood sword.

"I geuss your the first one to die." Salvador growled angerly grabbing the sword pulling on it as he pulled Atlas forward and Salvador grabbed him by his neck holding him up. Lotus immediately got up and jumped grabbing Salvador's arm as Femi ran around and grabbed Salvador from the back.

"Let go of our Brother!" Femi yelled as she pulled at some of the clothes Salvador has.

"When papa and dad get here your going to regret this!" Atlas yelled before getting choked a bit

"Ya right Ethan, Isaac's just finish them already." Salvador said before an arrow shot past them. They all looked over to see Mario panting with Snow next to him as he held his bow.

"Let them go. I'll relocate them far from here" Mario said regaining his breath.

"Oh great you.... And why would we listen when we can just be rid of them right now" Isaac (zoo) said

"Put the children down." Mario said as he pointed another arrow. He was serious about this considering it's literally supernatural kids.

"And if I don't?" Salvador said before getting hit with a different kind of arrow from a different direction making him drop Atlas and Femi and Lotus let go and grabbed Atlas moving away scared hugging each other very close.

"What was that!?" Salvador yelled as he touched his shoulder and hissed at the slight burning pain. Many of the hunters looked in the direction where the arrow came from

" offense father, but it might not be worth trying to get these ones" Isaac (Davis) said

"I...I'm going to have to agree" Ethan said looking at who was there.

"What do you mean-!?" Salvador started before being cut off.

Wings flapped as an angry angel flew down in front of the three kids. He stood defensively sword drawn wings slightly spread to hide the kids behind him.

"What the-" Salvador said before the angel or Bryan got close and kicked Salvador under the chin knocking him back. Bryan came and put his foot on Salvador pointing the sword at his throat.

"You will keep you hands off of my children. Touch them again and I'll severely harm you." Bryan said pressing the sword in against the throat when someone else came forward

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