Fnaf: Bryan's Boyfriend

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(chapter made before the break up)
/why not add Devin into this whole fnaf stuff? Enjoy the wholesomeness./
*Fluffy and angst*

*Bryan's pov*

I sighed as I got to my office. I sat down and basically slammed my head on my desk. Ever since the first pizzeria burned down I've been dealing with so many negative emotions.

It also doesn't help that the person I know that can most definitely lift me back up is out of the country. After being called there when said he'll resolve what is going on and after this trip he would come home and spend a year with me before even excepting any other sort of request to go anywhere.

I smiled as my phone buzzed and I looked at the number and the text.

Devin: hey Bry i know it's been a little while since our last text and I know you were down last time we texted so I have good news for you.

I raised an eyebrow and began to text back. I sent the text and I waited a bit before my phone buzzed again. I looked at the text and my heart fluttered.

Devin: I'm coming home tomorrow. I'll see you at the front of your work around evening time. I know where you work because I looked it up plus I remember you texting me about it.

I silently cheered as I hugged my phone and walked to my bed and flopped onto it and hugged it closer before texting him back.

Devin: I love you too I'm glad that made your day better. Can't wait to see you. Xoxo

I took a deep breath and got up and sat down and started working on paperwork. I wanted it done so that when Devin came over I didn't have anything to do.

As it got closer to evening and I was close to finishing I heard the door open. I didn't bother looking up because I knew those footsteps. Molten, Helpy and actually I think...Jon?

I sighed and slowly looked at to indeed see Jon, Molten, and Helpy.

"Mind explaining?" Jon asked

"Explain what?" I asked

"You didn't come out to see your animatronics in an entire day." Jon said and I checked the day and sure enough it was...the next day. Which means that the sun is just setting.

"Oh...well time to finish this then." I said going back to work.

"Who the hell are you." Molten said and I groaned realizing how tired and hungry I was.

"What do you mean Molten. You an idiot or something?" I asked and he looked at me shocked.

"You always take the time to check the animatronics." Helpy said and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't have time for this bullshit. You know what fine let me go outside check up on everyone then let me go back and work I promised myself I would finish this." I said standing up.

"Why do you want to finish it so badly?" Jon asked and I knew that they aren't going to leave me so I grabbed my phone off the charger I grabbed and put on my jacket and tightened up my shoes before opening the door.

I'm not going to get all this paperwork done, and it's evening which means Devin's going to be coming soon.

"Hey were are you going!?" Jon yelled and I looked at him before sighing and continuing to walk.

Jon and Molten across the entire park tried to get my attention but I only sped up when they got close to me to the point we're when I got the shops I just sprinted. I sprinted twords the entrance of Freddy Land.

I got outside but I was grabbed and slowly dragged back in until I grabbed a near by pole and Molten growled.

"Bryan let the fucking pole go we aren't done speaking." Molten said as Jon came up to us.

"Seriously what has gotten into you.your being really unreasonable here." Jon said and I let go making Molten suddenly unstable and we both fell but I go up first.

"Unreasonable? Unreasonable!? Your literally trying to tell me how to do my job right without letting-" I was cut off.

"I have to tell you what have to do because you do everything wrong!" Jon yelled and I grew angrier.

"Oh really? Really!? You think I'm doing my job wrong!?" I yelled

"Yes you are becoming your not responsible enough! God why did the company even allow you to have this theme park." Jon said and I stopped and I clenched my fists.

"Fine. Then I'll say this. Your being ignorant and a absolutely terrible friend!" I yelled back and Jon looked at me shocked but angry he was about to say something and I spoke louder to him. I didn't even realize that someone had pulled up behind us.

"No! Don't you dare start saying I'm wrong!" I yelled and Jon was constantly pointing behind me.

"What!?" I yelled before feeling arms wrap around me and almost immediately all worries went away.

Molten growled and was about to grab the person hugging me but then I got lifted up off my feet and held bridal style as I watched Devin kick Molten in the head.

"Hey back off you hunk of fucking metal spaghetti." Devin said and I relaxed.

"Devin." I said and Devin looked at me and smiled before setting me down and put a helmet on me.

"The motorcycle is right there I'll be with you in a moment." Devin said and I nodded.

I walked over and got onto the motorcycle and I sighed as I watched Devin yell and Jon and Molten before slapping Jon and kicking Molten again and he came back to me and put on his helmet.

I wrapped my arms around him as he started up the motorcycle and he started driving.

"Hey dear what are you think for food?" He asked

"I know a good restaurant with different curry's in it we can go there." I said letting myself get comfortable on Devin.

"Alright. Let's go enjoy the evening together. I have a lot to tell. Also I'm getting a new job so I won't be going on business trips anymore." Devin said and I looked up at him.

"Really?" I asked as he stopped at a light.

"Really. Now let's get something to eat." Devin said and I smiled

"I would love that.

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