Ooo: Demi's and a Human

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Explanation because I will be making a book for this but I wanted to share the idea for all to see.

Bryan isn't a demigod. He was never the child of Aphrodite which means the events of that year was different. For me the the Seductive Rose still made an appearance but it wasn't Bryan that had it. Some other demigod that was killed.

Bryan is a your average 19 almost 20 year old human being. He's in collage but in the past he has enjoyed going to summer camps. So unexpectedly during one of his summers his mom signs him up for one.

He's surprised but ok with it. As he is on his way to the camp with a bunch of other people a disaster happens and during it Bryan happens to survive but  as he passes out he saved by a god or goddess.

He's brought to camp oasis given a change of clothes aka the Greek tunic that he would have. Given a cabin he tries to avoid as much contact and fails in some occasions getting him to meet other demigods.

Nad is the first to pick him out having lived with humans for a long time while he knew he was a demigod.

Bryan tries to not partake in some of the events but because it would be strange for him not to he does and gets figured out. Some Demi's didn't like the idea of Bryan at camp but soon Aphrodite decides to clam Bryan as the human she chose to bring to camp to balance the camp out.

Bri meets Bryan and they get along great. Bryan slowly develops feelings and was unsure if he was even allowed to fall in love with a demigod.

Events happen Aphrodite's ball, the Seductive Rose taking an interest on Bryan because he was a human in camp and Bryan completely falls in love with the demigod.

Getting to know each other, being accepted into camp and helped reassure others with their troubles or at least listened.

So ya. That's a basic ground of what would maybe happen however everyone has their own ways of writing so here's the idea. Please ask before using any of my ideas. Thank you and see ya in the next chapter dragons and dragonets.

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