Fto/Ooo: Where Magic Lays

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/so this idea was originally created by ChrisMoon172 but I wanted to add my own twist to it so of course I asked and so here I am. I hope you all enjoy and if you want a backstory for this then I might make a chapter but you guys will have to request it./

(Foreshadowing of a death)

*3rd person*

Humans didn't have magic. They were never originally supposed to have magic but after several unsuccessful attempts to get rid of the campers of camp oasis. Drannus and Rose got together and did something some would think they would never do but once they had done their action. They were seen as heroes and the original heroes suffered.

Current times

Three god slayers all sit together talking about various different things. Until one topic came up. Lucas a water god Slayer looked at his friends Michael a shadow god Slayer and Lo'pho a life and death god slayer.

"Hey have you guys ever wondered.." Lucas started but stopped and looked at his hand.

"Wondered what?" Michael asked sitting down after grabbing a bowl of soup.

"You know that the heroes are Drannus and Seductive Rose because they released magic and let us humans have it and told us that the other demigods had kept it to themselves." Lucas said and Lo'pho raised and eyebrow.

"Yes what's your point?" Lo'pho asked

"Have you never wondered what happened to those people. Those people to have I guess kept the magic to themselves." Lucas asked and Michael coughed almost choking on a bite he took.

"When did this come to your mind?" Michael asked

"Just think about it. We know a lot about our heroes but what do we know about the "villains"?" Lucas asked and Michael and Lo'pho thought about it.

"It's been like 100 years and these are people who are children of gods they live for a long time so do you think they might still be out there?"  Lucas said and Michael sighed

"Even if they are out there it's not like they would simply show themselves. It's not that easy." Michael said

"Ya but we know that Rose in the past hunted them down and has a so called trophy trove of thing but then his place got attacked and everything he had was scattered. Read that in a book." Lucas said with a smile.

"Well it is most certainly a idea but these haven't been seen in like 50+ years." Lo'pho said

"73 years but ya." Lucas said

"You've obviously have been researching this." Michael said and Lucas nodded

"I mean in a extremely old history book that I found I actually have it at my house it said that Drannus is a primordial deity of...doom." Lucas said and Lo'pho and Michael went silent.

"That...that doesn't sound right you sure that books telling the truth?" Michael asked

"It was written way before any of this happened like a thousand years old." Lucas said

"Can I ask how you got into all of this?" Lo'pho asked

"Well we all know that Rose likes to visit all the different lands that possess a lot of magic right?" Lucas said and both mages nodded.

"Well he had something with him. If anyone got close to it he lashed out. Why I don't know but I heard him accidentally say this out loud but he said that it's a crystal of a past enemy he's...killed." Lucas said

"Ok ok this has got to be going through your head to much." Michael said

"I'm not lying. We can go to my place and I have a shelf of books with these kinds of books!" Lucas said

"Fine show us." Lo'pho said and they both went to Michael and he took them through the shadow realm to Lucas's house. When they got there Lucas went upstairs and pulled out a locked box and unlocked it and pulled out musty old books and handed one to Michael and Lo'pho.

"Read it." Lucas said pouting as he sat on the couch.

"Alright alright." Michael said and he began to read.

It was a couple hours later, night time, when Michael closed the book and looked at Lucas who was having a glass of tea.

"Lucas. This changes a lot of things."

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