Fto: Ftd Time Travel #1

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(Ftd= Fairy Tail Demigods. The demigods and wizards in Salode end up in the past when Jonathan was still alive.)

*Cal's pov*

I groaned as I laid there. Ever since the portal went out of whack it's been one hell of a ride to where ever I am now which seems to be on the edge of life seeing as I am hanging from my foot. I opened eye and got startled when I saw how are you I was.

"I was not expecting this." I said

"Neither where we." I heard Ritchie and Brandon's voices but that sounded slightly different. I got fully pulled up and I landed with an oof.

"Your lucky we grabbed you and your friend before ya fell to your death." I looked over to see Ritchie but he looked different. I looked around and saw that I was at the podium in the sky. As Brandon puts it the guild leaders meeting grounds.

"I looked over when I heard some soft crying and I saw Nad holding Artemis and I quickly got up and teleported myself over to him which surprised everyone.

"Nad, Artemis." I said and Nad handed me Artemis and I gently rocked Artemis.

"Shh it's ok." I said

"Is that your kid?" I looked over to see Michael.

"Um well technically my friends kid but they all say I'm the grandma so ya." I said

"Why does everyone look different?" Nad asked

"No idea makes me wonder is something bad happened to that portal and we ended somewhere were we aren't supposed to be but...this is Atlantide so I don't know what went wrong." I said

"Question do you know what year it is?" I looked over to see a lady I'm not to familiar with.

"Umm... ****?" I said

"Wait that's one year ahead of us." Brandon said

"Ah ok we went back in time great lovely hmmm....." I growled slightly in frustration as I sat down. I was on the podium that Flurry would stand on and I thought about things.

"We need to go find the others and find a way back before things get out of hand. Especially Inpu, Inpu's going to freak when he doesn't have Artemis with him." I said and I got up.

"How do you get down." I asked

"Before you go down what do you mean others?" Michael asked.

"I mean future versions of you guys plus the kids dad who will tear apart the city if he doesn't have Artemis with him soon." I said

"Just touch this and think of the ground." I looked over and saw an old man.

"Thanks. Come on Nad....Nad?" I asked

"By the waters. Inpu is by the waters. We should get going." Nad said jumping and and he fell down off the thing.

"Ya know I'm going to take a safer route even though I know I can survive that." I said going over and touched the stone and like that I was on the ground. I started running and I met up with Nad who had found Kit and Allumos.

I sighed as I ran past them and twords the loud crash and some yelling. As I got there I saw Xylo holding back Inpu who was in tears yelling about his concern for Artemis.

"Inpu!" I yelled and he looked at me and immediately stopped.

"Artemis is perfectly fine." I said and Inpu slowly moved twords me and I gently passed him Artemis as others came to the destruction zone. The noise must have alerted all of them and now we are all gathered around this site and I heard people and I looked over to see this timelines people.

"Ah. Ha ha ha. Guys just to say this now, but we ended up in the past by one year in your guys standards." I said to the guild leaders who I knew.

"I can see that...hello, Jonathan."

*S4 Michael's pov*

I watched as the big one named Nad jumped off the podium and Cal with the kid Artemis said something and went to the rock and touch it leaving us.

"So we're just going to ignore the fact that these people fell out of the sky and one of us literally caught a baby." Ritchie said

"He wasn't lying when he said his friend was going to destroy something. The shadows are telling me that there are some collapsed buildings. No injuries but still." I said

"They are unfamiliar to us and they mentioned something about being in the past." Jonathan said

"Let's go see them then." Silver said

"It might be a risky move though." Lo'pho said nervously.

"The people who were here didn't seem like they wanted to cause harm and if they are from the future then we should be safe." Silver said

"Let's just go see these people." My second said

"I'll go with the majority vote." I said and Jonathan sighed.

"Let's go see who these people are." Jonathan said and one by one we all went down. As we walked someone by passed all of us using the shadows and  I wanted to follow but I didn't because we got to the sight and there was a lot of people there.

"Ah. Ha ha ha. Guys just to say this now, but we ended up in the past by one year in your guys standards." Cal said and I loved over to the next person that spoke.

"I can see that...hello, Jonathan." A person that looked so much like Ritchie said

"Hello. You look like someone I recognize." Jonathan said

"Hm. I can understand that if we're people one year into the future, it makes sense when you think about it right brother?" The person I'm going to assume is future Brandon said to Ritchie.

"Yup." F. Ritchie said

"Wait is that...Eden!" Ritchie yelled and I shot my head twords the person that looked like Eden and I pulled out my scythe.

"Um hold up no. Not Eden. Not Eden I promise!" He yelled as F. Ritchie blinked over and stood in front of Devin before someone else came up and they looked very familiar.

"I would like it if you didn't touch Devin." He said pulling out the same scythe I had.

"Wait, that's Michael?" Silver asked.

"It would appear so." Lo'pho said

"Hey Brandon can I go ya know just meditate for a bit?" I looked over at someone I don't recognize.

"Ah, ok. Sure do deal with that." F. Brandon said.

"Let me guess, her?" F. Ritchie said and Brandon nodded.

"Don't take too long raindrop!" I looked over and identified David.

"Shut up snowflake!" The person nicknamed Raindrop said

"Excuse me?!" David yelled

"Shut up both of you. Your acting like children...maybe some more time with Miss P will help." F. Ritchie said and raindrop threw his hands into the air and turned around before jumping into the water.

"I would rather die then go see that crazy old bat and don't you dare even think about sending my buddy to her either. Crazy tea loving old bat." David said

"Wow they must hate her." I looked over to see a gruff man in armor that looked bartered.

"Well then I don't know how long it's going to be but I geuss we can introduce ourselves." F. Ritchie said

"You good over there Allumos?" F. Brandon asked

"I'll be fine trust me dragons hit hard and this felt like something like a dragons hit but maybe slightly harder." The person named Allumos said getting up and walked over to someone I recognize at Kit.

"Anyways. We should probably introduce ourselves." Cal said

"Probably a good idea."

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