Ooo: Roses Friend

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/I thought this would be cool/
*Angst, comfort, harm, corruption*

*Seductive Rose's pov*

I smiled as I took a deep breath. I'm finally back and the first thing I want to do is mess Bryan up, but there might be some slight complications.

I flew down and landed in his garden after meeting Drannus. Nice fellow although what he said about Bryan was interesting. He was banished from camp, because of me.

I smiled as I walked in and I found Bryan sitting there stareing up at the ceiling on the massive throne. I smiled as I made a couple of coughs and Bryan's head shot in my direction there was hope in his eyes before it got snuffed out by fear and despair.

"Hello Bryan. How nice to see you here." I said

"What are you doing here?" Bryan asked getting up and walking down to face me.

"What do you mean? I came here to finish things." I said with a smile and Bryan looked me up and down before sighing.

"Does that mean your going to try to kill me?" Bryan asked and by now I'm questioning a lot of things.

"Yes." I said just to see what happens.

"So your going to kill me then to terrorize the rest of camp....great." Bryan said looking me and I'm going to be honest I'm surprised.

"Your not mad?" I asked

"Why would I be? They banished me they clearly haven't visited for the past year and as far as I know they won't ever care." Bryan said looking down and I put away my sword.

"Well then you won't mind if I do this then." I said as Bryan looked up only to get a fist to his face. I smiled as I put my hand on his chest and started to absorb a lot of his magic Bryan yelled in a discomfort and I soon stopped. I smiled as I thought about going to camp to get the rest of the magic I need to make my true form.

"I expected to see you here. When I get back." I said and Bryan laid there curled up with some tears.

"Be happy I didn't do any to brutal." I said before flying off.

*Bryan's pov*

I sat there patching up my nose before starting to heal it into place. I only used a little bit of magic because the Rose took so much of it.

I slowly smiled as I thought about a sword to my throat. I wonder why the Rose didn't just finish the job right then and there.

I went on with my usual life slowly regaining my magic and after about a week I heard my name get yelled out and I flinched at it. Those aren't peaceful cry's those are cry's that yelled for anger.

I slowly walked to the front and before I knew it and arrow was shot right into my shoulder. I yelped as I stumbled back and I looked over at the group of campers.

My eyes widened when I realized it wasn't just Greek, there was Asian and Egyptian as well.

"Bryan I'm going to make sure that you go down!" Xylo yelled and I'm happy to see him I wasn't happy when his next arrow hit my side. I groaned as I fell to my knees.

I would try to defend myself but the Rose looks so much like me I'm not surprised that this is happening.

"Hiding his white clothes to cover up the black that would be the Rose?" Kay said and I put my shield  and stoped Xylo's arrow. Something came across me and I grew scared.

"That's not me!" I yelled back at them.

"Oh really? You have proof it's not you?" Mario yelled and I heard some slightly angry chatter of other campers and I knew it was hopeless. The spark I once had for survival disappeared and I let my shield fall and Xylo took aim. He fired and it struck me in my chest not where my heart was but maybe close.

I fell back and my vision blurred because I had lost blood. The last thing I saw was a hand on my chest and some slight pain before everything went black. I remember seeing, black feathers.

*S.R's pov*

I growled as I flew down next to Bryan as he hit the ground and I looked down at the now shocked campers.

"Quick to judgement?" I said

"Wait what?" Mario said

"Hahaha Bryan was banished from the camp remember! Even if he wanted to he's not allowed into camp! I can't believe you all are idiots but I geuss I can do this because he won't care anyways." I said putting my hand on Bryan's chest and I watched as all their faces showed horror as Bryan yelped in pain again and I gathered what I needed left to show my true form.

I chuckled and then laughed as I felt the power change within my body and I felt the changes of my body as my wings turned from feathers to long wings.

I held up my hand and it was purple as I dark green energy ball formed.

"All of you shouldn't even be allowed here." I said sending the blast to them.

I laughed as they all coughed and I picked up Bryan. I heard someone yell Bryan as I flew upwards and into my portal. I closed the portal and my smile left my face as I laid Bryan down. I pulled out the arrows and threw them into the lava around and grabbed some bandages I kept around and wrapped up his wounds.

I put Bryan on my thrown and I smiled as I looked down at my hand. It had some of Bryan's blood on it. I smiled and panted a star on his forehead before leaving. I'll come back for him.

*Bryan's pov*

I groaned as I slowly opened my eyes. I looked around and realized I wasn't where I thought I would be. I got up and I felt a flash of pain and I fell only to be caught.

I slowly looked up and I was shocked to see the S.R. he lifted me up and put me back down on the seat.

"I'm not one for comforting people so I'll give you an option. I can sit there with you while hugging so you can cry your feelings out or I can be nearby while you cry your feelings out." The Rose said and I blinked a couple of time.

"Wait what?" I asked

"Just choose one." He said

"Hugs." I said and he sighed as he picked me up and went over and sat down with me on his lap as he slowly wrapped his massive wings around me.

"Ya know. Being shot down and abandoned by the people you thought you could trust... It's a hard thing to deal with." Rose said and my heart sunk as I let my head rest on the S.R's shoulder.

"I'm only doing this for my own gain hope you realize." Rose said and I sighed.

"I figured....thanks." I said letting the tears stream down.

I geuss he's not as heartless as I thought he would be.

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