Scp: Multidimensional God

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/scp au with Bryan being a god. I won't say what type but I'll just say, Bryan or Bryan's found their way out/
*Very little blood*

*Mario's pov*

As Kay, Xylo, and I walked out of the elevator that all three of us have been using to get out of the facility that we are in Xylo stopped as soon as we saw how slightly elaborate the floor was.

"Umm wow what kind of scp is on this floor?" Kay asked and Xylo groaned.

"This is the floor of the special scp. More specifically a god type of scp." Xylo said as he walked and stopped at a sign covered in splatters of blood.

"Umm do you know what class it is?" I asked

"That's the thing. Is special for a reason because is all three classes. It all depends on who your looking at." Xylo said as he walked to a door and opened it and found it to be an office untouched by anything. However the same can't be said about the door as it was smuthered in blood in a patter that had symbols of dead.

"Looks like one of the safe classes were in here and organizing." Xylo said only paying attention to the room not the door.

"Wait why is it all three classes?" Kay asked

"Hold on I can't remember everything off the top of my head but I know the files here." Xylo said

"Is this scp a class you don't know well because of your rank level?" I asked

"Umm. Yes this is a level five clearance room which means...there!" Xylo grabbed two things. A folder and a level five clearance card.

"Ok. Let's here. Scp 8430 (random number to use) the Multidimensional God." Xylo said

"Wait Multidimensional?" Kay asked

"It means that it's got access to different worlds." I said

"Yes but only certain worlds. Worlds that have other versions of himself. Aus to be specific." Xylo said and I walked over and took the papers and read.

"...Bryan?" I said and Xylo dropped the card.

"Do not say that so casually. There's a reason we only call him Dimensional. If we say his full name we're basically doomed." Xylo said

"What would happen?" Kay said

"Well all the Aus that have been asleep in other rooms will awaken or at least a lot of them because a ton of them have the same name. That name being the name you just said." Xylo said before I heard voices.

"Oh no umm quick hide!" Xylo said and we all went into a cabin and Xylo and Kay were on my shoulder while we watched who came in.

A brown haired individual, well two, one with a white lab coat like a scientist in this facility and a red jacket one with a white shirt, and blue pants.

"It definitely came from here." Lab coat said

"That must be dimensional." Xylo whispered softly.

"They touch the papers." The red jacket one said

"I'll have other scout out. I swear if these people are part of those stupid guards I'm going to have Vile and Vicky kill them." Dimensional said

"Can I go back?" Red jacket said

"That one is Fnaf, it says on the paper." Kay whispered softly and I covered their mouths as dimensional looked around.

"Have Sno look around he's got the best nose." Fnaf said

"Alright. Take care Bryan and remember if you need any time away from the amusement park or anything else, you know I'm always open for a visit." Dimensional said with such a kind voice.

"Right, and good luck with ya know. Leaving this place." Fnaf Bryan said and then there was a bright glow and they dissolved into red floating energy sand grains. Yes that's how I described it because I don't know any other way.

"Alright. Let's go get sno." Dimensional said as he walked out of the room the dust followed him slowly disappearing as it touched him.

As soon and the door closed and we waited a minute we all came out.

"Ok we need to leave this floor." Xylo said

"What no! Did you not hear what that person just said they want to leave as well." Kay said

"Do you not realize what kind of danger he could bring to the world if he were to get out!? It's already obvious that he's woken up all the Aus." Xylo almost yelled but I shut his mouth.

"Ok change of plans we try to talk to him." I said

"Oh come on not you too." Xylo said

"Xylo you realize that both me and Kay can understand being stuck in a room for who knows how long without any ways of getting out." I said and Xylo stopped.

"I blame you guys for anything that happens if we do leave with this guy." Xylo said and I smiled at Kay who gave a even bigger smile. She may be a teddy bear but that's got to be the biggest smile I've seen from her.

*Bryan's pov*

I'm now looking down at the three people tied up before me. Sno had gotten them and Vile and Vicky and yelling about who gets to kill them but Apocalypse simply came up to me and handed me some papers and I floated in place before a blast sounded and I looked over to see Rose and Olympus fighting.

"Can someone please stop them." I said as Steve, Artemis, and Atlas tried to look or watch the fight but I stopped them by brushing my wing over them.

Daycare ran by with twisted Bonnie, Fnaf kid, and the most recent one Glamrock Bonnie.

I got slowly more and more frustrated until yelled and golden strings wrapped around everyone.

"Will all of you shut up!" I yelled and it was dead silent. Some of the golden strings let up on some of safer ones but firmly held the violent ones.

Olympus came over and picked up Atlas and then both of them dissolved into white dust and came back into me. Yes weird thing to say but true.

"Alright. All of you need to come back in I'm going to speak with these people and if what I'm getting is correct I can get out with these people's help." I said and people smiled all around me.

"You mean it?" Vile asked

"Yes I mean it." I said

"Spa!" Brianna said with a cheer before Vicky threw the knife and it hit her in the chest. Brianna looked at the spot as it bled and she coughed making some blood drop of the floor.

"You are so lucky we can't die while dimensional is around." Brianna said before she left in a pink dust. The knife feel to the ground dripping a bit of blood from it's tip.

Vile and Vicky dissolved into blood red dust, twisted, Fnaf child, and normal Bonnie all dissolved into purple dust, while Artemis turned into black dust. Kaiba who had been relaxing with Sno dissolved into blue dust and Sno into brown.

Fnaf child, apocalypse, Fto or Flame, and Steve dissolved into a normal red dust, and all of that dust like substance was absorbed back into my body.

I sighed as all of the Aus returned and I looked back up at the tied up group. I walked over hiding my wings as my outfit changed from an elaborate god like cloak to a normal scientist coat.

I put my glasses on my head as I untied the group. They are my key out and I plan on making friends with them. Hopefully they won't push me away. Especially Xylo.


Sno- supernatural/werewolf Bryan
Olympus- son of Aphrodite Bryan
Daycare- kid Bryan
Fnaf kid- kid Bonnie Bryan
Twisted Bonnie- fnaf
Glamrock Bonnie- security breach
Apocalypse- Oz Bryan
Kaiba- Ooo
Atlas- Ooo
Artemis- Mho
Steve- Fnaf security breach
Vile- evil Bryan
Brianna- genderbent Bryan
Vicky- evil Brianna
Seductive Rose- S.R (Ooo)
Fto/Flame- Dragonslayer Bryan

*others that weren't seen but are around*

Glitched- Evil Steve/glitchtrap (Fnaf)
Portal- half portal Bryan (Fnaf)
Umbers- Villain Artemis (mho)
Light- corrupt Bryan (Ooo)
White Rose- good S.R (Ooo)
Ghost- dead Bryan (Fnaf)
Shade- ghost Olympus Bryan (Ooo)
Lava- evil Dragon Bryan (Fto)

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