Ooo: Transformers

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/I was inspired by some clips I saw of this au on YouTube. The clips belong to the YouTuber Mondo's Husband. This is also takes after the Transformers Prime series. Also it's like a crossover in a crossover in a crossover you will understand when you read. Enjoy./

*S.R's pov*

I growled as I tried to pull off the clamp. I slipped over and landed with a clank on the ground and sighed as I gave up. I got up and looked over at Bryan who was glaring at me holding something. He hasn't moved from that spot ever since we got portaled here. I already know what happened and I'm kinda pissed by it but then again I think Bryan's more pissed at me then anything.

I'm not going to blame him he has every right to be mad considering what I've done. If you haven't figured it out yet Bryan's part of the Primes that go against us Cons. However Bryan himself is hiding something seeing as he literally went missing for four years. The Primes haven't seen him in four years and after two years of searching they slowed down.

They still look for him however they've turned their attention to us, which by the way didn't end well.

"How much longer are you going to glare at me. You and I are going to have to get along until we get these magnetized bracelets off." I said

"$ #-+) '€π¢ ×√£ #° •=×∆ #$ *~%} ^
#π¢¥•\£ √• ®°$€. I don't need you to tell me what I should do Rose." Bryan said

Oh ya did I not mention that his voice box was broken. Ya I did that, but I'm just going to say this. I didn't want to, and I'd I could have avoided it I would have.

"Jeez your difficult as ever brother." I said and Bryan's eyes went wide.

"What?" I said

"€•¶√°®|. Brother" Bryan said with a smile before I heard some clanking and Bryan freaked out and tried to talk in a whisper tone.

"Ok what are you hiding." I said getting up and I grabbed Bryan's shoulder and shoved him away and I froze when I saw not one not two but three. Three little sparklings all of them immediately ran over to Bryan while I was shocked and Bryan picked them up protectively.

"This is why you left. You didn't want anyone to know you had Sparklings." I said and Bryan looked down guilt written on his face.

"Who's the other spark huh." I said

"| π°#£ =€\'. I won't telling." Bryan said standing up as I watched the black winged sparkling climb up and found comfort sitting on Bryan's shoulder.

"Fine but when I find out who I'm going to yell at them for not realizing what they did." I said, now I'm not usually like this but seeing as, even though I'm a bad person, I'm his brother.

"#°π} ^×¢¥ |£€π. Don't hurt them." Bryan said as the two other Sparklings went into a front pouch that Bryan had around him.

"Can you still transform?" I asked

Bryan nodded and moved his wings. I smiled. We're special because I like most other transformers only me and Bryan posses the ability to transform into two different forms. The first one is a flying transformation and the other is a car one.

"Alright. We'll have to move around and be careful of our surroundings as me move. I know you don't fully trust me but if we want to make it back to our universe we need to work together." I said and Bryan nodded taking the sparkling on his shoulder and put them in the bag.

"Do they have names?" I asked and Bryan smiled and nodded.

"$-"&, #¢}£, √°|π£. Femi, Atlas, Lotus." Bryan said pointing to each of the sparklings  smiling.

"Femi, Atlas, Lotus. Nice names." I said as I began to walk and Bryan pulled a cover over the sparklings telling them to stay down because they were in an unfamiliar and dangerous new area.

I transformed and I faced Bryan who said something before transforming and the bag remained on him on his back and we both took to the sky's me being a bit faster then Bryan but I slowed down for him.

Man this is going to be a long trip.

*Optimus prime's pov*

I walked into our main meeting room and saw the other prime's come in with their partners. I nodded as they smiled at me and I went over to Ratchet.

"Oh, Optimus you came at a perfect time. We got some readings on our reader. We got two big unfamiliar reading but they are definitely autobot signals." Ratchet said as every one else came forward.

"Wait where?" Bulkhead asked

"Not far from here. They both stopped about 3 miles from here and they haven't moved for about 30 minutes now." Ratchet said

"You didn't say anything earlier?" I asked

"Well I wanted to see if they would move closer but they aren't. I'm also getting a reading for three smaller forms." Ratchet said and I sighed.

"Bumblebee wanna scout it out?" I asked bumblebee looked at me and have a thumbs up.

"Can I go with him?" Raf asked

"Since it's just a scouting mission I see no problems with you going." I said and Raf smiled as Bumblebee transformed and opened a car door.

Ratchet opened the gate to the closet cords that we could get without much alarm. As soon as Bumblebee left Ratchet went back to watching the signals.

"Let's see what these are." Ratchet said as he pulled up Bumblebee's view.

*Bumblebee's pov*

Went I got closer I transformed and slowly got closer to the massive rock formation that the unknown autobots were staying.

I put Raf up on my shoulder and I slowly peaked around the corner to see very large human? I looked at it more up and down and realized it looked like a human but it was definitely autobot. The metal plates visible and  it had these folded back metal plates on it back.

From size I'd assume it was my size. I moved and accidentally snapped something and before I knew it there was another one. This one had human like features but the paint color was purple and it's eyes a green that in all honesty kinda scared me.

"You heard that right?" He said a sword that looked weird drawn.

"¥¢÷π #+^¢€¥'{. Your overreacting." The other autobot said and then realized that they also had a broken voice box.

"Bumblebee, remember if anything happens Raf is your number one." Optimus said over the communication

"I think bumblebee knows that." Raf said because he can say it quieter then me.

I then heard small clanks and I slowly looked over and saw that the purple autobot was leaning on a rock opposite of me but the thing that surprised me the most was the small Sparklings.

"Sparklings. I can understand now why the purple one acted fast that way." Ratchet said

"Bumblebee come back. We should not pry into their personal business." Optimus said and I nodded before slowly moving away till I was in the clear to drive.

It's been so long since I've seen a sparkling much less three of them.

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