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(small spoiler from ep8)
Mc's pov:
I woke up to the alarm clock ringing and turned it off. I sat up on the bed and looked out the window.
After months of finding Hannah, we finally found her in Michael Hanson's barn,although Michael had escaped before we got there with the police, Hannah was safe though she had lots of bruises and looked pale but she's now doing well in the hospital and Richy was found along with Hannah but he's in a coma right now, but we have hope that he will wake up soon. Jake also got rid of his pursuers somehow and was staying with me in Lily's house.We couldn't risk staying at the motel when the kidnapper was still on the loose so we decided to stay together. It was still awkward between Jake and the group but they got along well as days passed by.Phil was out of jail.Dan was out of the hospital and started working with Phil. Everything seemed to be going well,so far.
I decided to go visit Hannah and Richy in the afternoon. I went downstairs and saw Lily preparing breakfast.
Lily:Good morning Mc!
Mc:Good morning! where's Jake?
Lily: He's probably in his room doing his hacker thing or whatever.
Mc: ah okay so did he have breakfast yet?
Lily: Yes he woke up really early today
Mc: alright
hmm I had a feeling Jake was mad at me for some reason, he hasn't spoken to me since yesterday. He's probably mad because I went to the Bar to meet up with Mr.Aurora to ask about Michael Hanson but I guess Jake got the wrong idea and thought I went there because of personal reasons. I didn't get to tell him the whole reason why I went there I just told him I needed to see Phil and he just walked away. Welp one thing I know is that he can't stand Phil that's for sure. So I just went to the Bar and I thought I would talk to Jake when I reached back home,but unfortunately he was still mad and stayed in his room,I even knocked on the door but he just told me to go away and leave him alone. We aren't officially dating so I guess he thought Phil and I did something, I left the hacker alone and went to sleep.
*In the afternoon*
It was 2pm already so i got ready and went to Jake's room and knocked.
Mc: Hey Jake! I'm going to visit Hannah and Richy,do you wanna tag along?
Jake:No I am busy. You should take Phil to accompany you.
Mc:Again?look Jake nothing is going on between us I met up with Phil because-
Jake:Just go already,no need for excuses, I've seen the way he looks at you or the way you laugh with him,just go, I don't see you that way anyways,besides Hannah is safe now,we don't need to do anything anymore, now if you don't mind I want to continue my coding.
I couldn't believe what he was saying, he didn't like me? or is he trying to cover up his jealousy?was I really just a key to finding Hannah? Jake is pretty hard to figure out so I guess I kind of believed him.But at the same time I don't,what about all the times we spent together? was he just being "friendly"? I stayed silent for a while and left without saying anything
Jake's pov:
why was she with Phil? they've been talking alot recently.I am scared of the fact that Phil might be better for her I mean I was a wanted criminal. It hurts my feelings if Mc gets close with Phil, and on top of that we can't even find Michael Hanson,are the police even doing their job?ugh you gotta do everything yourself.
Mc's pov:
I was thinking about the situation with Jake and was unaware of my surroundings, the street was pretty quiet there were only a few people, I mean a kidnapper who was also a murderer was on the loose so I can understand why it's so quiet. As i walked down the street I felt like someone was following me, I pretended to not know anything and walked normally and took out my pocket mirror to check if anyone was behind me,and there he was,The Man without a face, I quickly reached out for my phone and dialed the first number I could think of,as I was calling I saw the MWF started coming closer so I ran and let my legs carry me anywhere as long as I am far away from that man. The person wasn't picking up so I video called them and finally I heard their voice.
Jake's pov:
As I was investigating on Michael,I saw a call from Mc, I ignored it at first as I was mad, but then she called again but this time it was a video call,I quickly picked it up.
Jake:What do you want?
I saw her running, it seems like she was running away from someone, I panicked and froze.
Mc: J-Jake! Michael h-he's chasing me.
she said while panting.
Mc; I am not sure where i am right now but I think it's in- *thump*
Jake:Mc?!?! Mc are you there??? please answer me,are you okay?
She's in trouble. I should've gone with her!!I heard her groans and it sounds like she's in pain. Please be okay.
I saw that someone picked up the phone and I saw it was Michael.He stared at me for a few seconds and said
Michael: so I finally have this so called detective here with me.Finally after everything you've done to me i have her right here with me.You'll never see her again or atleast not in one piece, you all have ruined everything!!all my plans had went down the drain,you all are in my way. I told you to stay out of other people's affairs and now you're gonna have to pay for it.
he laughed and showed Mc's unconscious body.She looked really hurt,I should've went along with her or atleast I shouldn't have let her go alone.
Michael looked at me and said
Michael: see ya! we're gonna have a splendid time together!
*call ended*
I burst into tears and blamed myself for not being there for her, I quickly called the group.
Dan: whoa whoa calm down hackerman,now tell us everything.
Jake: okay wait I'm sorry, she was on her way to the hospital when suddenly I got a call from mc and i-ignored it please don't say anything right now, she called me again but the second time it was a video call.I picked up and saw her running and panting as she spoke to me and told me Michael Hanson was following her but before she could tell me where she was, he got to her and she was laying on the floor unconscious. He told me that we ruined everything and we have to pay for it and he might hurt her please help.
I broke down again as I remembered the vision of her laying there unconscious. It felt like my whole world was crumbling down.
Jessy: Oh my gosh!!
Lilly:I will call the police right away!
Cleo: oh no we have to find Mc right away!
Thomas: what can we do to help Jake?
Jake: well find any important information about Michael Hanson,maybe something about another house or abandoned houses, he won't he going back to his barn it would be too obvious but it's worth checking there too just in case there are any clues.
Lilly:Alright talk to you y'all later.
*Call ended*
I sat down,my whole body was shaking I was afraid of losing her, she was the only one who understood me and never left my side even when I went offline during those past few months and tried to help me get away from my pursuers. Even when i told her it was dangerous she still stayed by my side,she was a caring,selfless and a beautiful woman. I've never felt this way about anyone,i should've spent more time with her,i shouldve told her about my feelings, what if i never get to see her again? i took her for granted,i wish i had stayed with her instead of staying in my room all the time.I calmed myself and started to get to work.It is my time to help and bring her back! I went to my laptop and tried to hack Mc's phone,but there wasn't anything useful, I tried tracking the location, even though she might not be there anymore maybe her phone is and maybe she's nearby. Her phone was located opposite to the flower shop where Dan worked as a florist before.
I quickly sent the address to the group and they went to investigate except Lilly and Cleo since they had to stay with Hannah and Richy.
I sighed and suddenly remembered what my last conversation with Mc. I realized i was being such a jerk,I shouldn't have been so rude to her,she must have felt terrible. I hope she somehow knows I didn't mean it. If she wasn't in my life, i wouldn't be here with my sisters and with the love of my life, I want to hold her close and tell her that I'm sorry and that everything is going to be okay,we're gonna get through this together.
I broke down again and remembered the first time we met.
Mc went to Duskwood despite my warnings, I decided I should stay with her in case anything happens,it's dangerous but it'll be worth it as long as Mc is safe. I saw Mc reached Duskwood,I texted her
                        *In chat*
Jake: Hello Mc.
Mc: Hello Jake<3
that heart gets me everytime,gosh Mc why are you doing to me.
Jake: :)
Mc: I'm sorry for breaking my promise but If we wanna find Hannah I have to be here!
Jake: You promised Mc. As much as I want to find Hannah,I don't want you risking your life!! But nevermind that now,you're already here it's no point in arguing about this now.
Jake: Let's not waste anymore time now. Mc,come to black lake,I will be waiting for you there. I trust you,only you Mc. Don't tell anyone.
              Jake is offline
                Mc is offline
*a few minutes later*
I saw Mc standing near the lake I threw a small rock at her and made a gesture for her to come behind the trees where i was standing. She ran towards me and hugged me, I have waited for this moment for so long,to have her in my arms, i hugged her back,she nuzzled into my neck and said
Mc: gosh I can't believe you're here Jake
Jake: me too Mc. I feel like this is a dream and I never wanna wake up.. You're even more beautiful in person Mc.
She blushed and hid her face in my chest. I chuckled. This was one of the best days I've ever had in my entire life.
*End of flashback*
I smiled. I have to find her soon.
I started checking the cctv cameras around the area but nothing new came out of it.I felt my anger building up inside me when I saw what he did to Mc.He threw a huge rock on her back and she fell down, she tried to defend herself but failed because of her back, he then took out a handkerchief and covered her nose. I guess it was a kind of drug to knock someone out and then she fell unconscious. I swear I will kill that bastard the moment I see him.
I suddenly remembered that Mc met up with Phil, I was blinded by jealousy at that time that I didn't realized she wanted to tell me why she met up with Phil. Gosh why was I acting like that!! she would've been here with me if I wasn't so childish!
I calmed myself down and decided to ask Phil. As much as I hated it, I need to do anything to find Mc.
To be continued!
a/n:hehe I hope you like it!

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