The hacker or the womanizer? part 2

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(I forgot to put a spoiler alert! but yeah there's definitely spoilers till ep8)

Phil closed the Bar early and we went to his house,it was very simple yet elegant. He helped me carry my bag and led me to the guest room.
The room was not that small and not that big either,it was just perfect. 

Mc: I have to say.... this is an ideal house.
Phil: I'm really glad you liked it pretty lady, oh and you should go freshen up! I'll be downstairs.
Mc: Thank you so much Phil.
Phil: Anything for the celebrity

He winked and closed the door.
I went to take a shower and wore comfy clothes, I decided to check my phone and saw a few messages from Jake and the group,I checked Jake's one first.

                       *In chat*
Jake: Hello Mc.
Jake: did you reach safely in Duskwood?
Jake: Are you okay?
Jake: I hope you have someone with you.
Mc: Hello Jake,I am alright,I am currently living with Phil, he was kind enough to let me stay. And I haven't told the group that I am here. I should tell them because they'll find out soon. It's Duskwood you know

                      Jake is online

Jake: Phil? you're staying with Phil?
Out of chose Phil?
Mc:  out of all the things i said you only noticed Phil huh anyways the others....i felt like it's better for me to stay in a place where it's not obvious.  And I've been getting along well with him and I trust him so....
Jake: he seems .... very unlikable. But as long as you're safe. And yes you should tell the group.
Mc: alright

                        *The group*

Mc: guys I'm in duskwood. I am safe and I'll meet you tomorrow at the Aurora. Let's talk in person.
Jessy: omg omg!! I'm so happy to see you!!
Lilly: Me too! but isn't it dangerous?
Cleo: We'll protect you Mc!!
Dan: even from the hospital I'll have your back Mc!
Thomas: we're in this together!! Anyways you should go rest Mc, you must be tired.
Jessy: yeah goodnight Mc!
Mc: Goodnight guys.

                      Lilly is offline
                      Jessy is offline
                    Thomas is offline
                      Dan is offline
                     Richy is offline
                       Cleo is offline

I charged my phone and went downstairs. I saw Phil preparing dinner and humming along to a song,I smiled and leaned on the wall

Mc: what a pleasant sight!!
Phil: Well I am a pleasant sight to the eyes in general
Mc: I couldn't agree more
Phil's eyes widen and quickly put on a flirty look
Phil: Oh? did I finally steal your heart?
Mc: hmmm
Mc: Nope!
Phil: ouch

I rolled my eyes playfully and sat on the chair

Phil: dinner's ready!!
Mc: yay! oh it smells so good!!
Mc: A man who can cook...what more can a woman ask for?

Phil smiled proudly and sat down with me and we started eating.

Phil: So.... are you tired?
Mc: Nope I slept through the whole flight
Phil: wanna watch a movie later?
Mc: sure!
Phil: so how's that hacker of yours?
Mc: he's alright I think
Phil: doesn't he scare you?
Mc: No. He's not a bad person Phil.
Phil: hm I think so too. I mean I don't think he's the kidnapper. He seems to be risking too many things.
Mc: I agree.
Mc: anyways are you single? I mean I think you literally flirted with women the last few hours
Phil: what if I did? you jealous?
Mc: No.
Phil: don't believe ya but okay
Phil: what about you? are you single?
Mc: Well I am....but I do have someone in mind but I'm not sure if he feels the same way.
Phil: Oh well that's sad. But who wouldn't fall for you though Mc besides I'll make sure to steal him from you ahhaha

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