Advice [final]

343 16 4

Mc's pov:

We entered an aesthetically pleasant cafe which was filled with people but somehow it still had the calm and peaceful vibe,I looked at Jake and he seemed to be searching a table for us.

Jake: Ooh let's sit there! it's near the window and the sun is also shining but not too much,its a perfect spot!

Mc: ah yes well spotted Jake!

He smiled proudly and we went over to the table for two and sat down and started ordering our food.

Jake signalled the waiter and he came to us....

Waiter: what would the beautiful lady like to order?

I looked at Jake nervously and saw him glaring at the waiter who was creepily eyeing me up and down.

Mc: um i-

Jake: well one I want you to back off my woman and two we would like coffee, chocolate waffles and two burgers.

I looked at Jake slightly blushing and glanced at the waiter who rolled his eyes and continued writing our order.

Waiter: whatever you want sir.

He angrily walked away and I looked at Jake who kind of looked hot when he's jealous-

Jake: you're too pretty that I have to make sure everyone knows you're mine

Mc: Jake what-

And just like that he leaned over the table and pulled me closer by the neck  and kissed me softly but somehow rough.

Everyone was just looking at us and I blushed and kissed him back, then pulled away looking down at my hands.

Jake: I wanted more but we can continue it later baby

Mc: Jake i-

He just smiled and stared at me. I looked down at his hands on the table,I don't know what came over me but I had a sense of missing the warmth of his hands and shyly grabbed his hands and slipped my hands under his palms.

He looked surprised but quickly recovered and smiled at me and brought my hands to his lips and he kissed them gently.

Jake: you're adorable

Mc: you're hot

Jake: getting bold now are we princess?

Mc: maybe

Jake: I love it, actually I love whatever you're doing to me whether you're shy or bold you still manage to cause butterflies in my stomach and make me happy Mc.

Mc: I feel the same way Jake...

We smiled at eachother and later noticed our food had arrived. We ate our food and talked about our past lives and soon finished and went for a few more rides.

Jake: that was so fun! we should definitely come back one day

Mc: oh yes definitely!! I'm sad this day is already over though I had so much fun

Jake: yeah me too,let me drop you home my lady~

Mc: why yes ofcourse

He giggled and we went to his car. Soon we reached my house and walked me to the door.

Jake: I had a really great time with you Mc...I haven't had so much fun in years

Mc: I had a great time with you too Jake

Jake: um i...if you want,would you like to go on another date with me again?

Mc: I would love to Jake!

He sighed in relief and he grabbed my waist and pulled me in for a kiss. The kiss was so passionate and soft I felt like I was on cloud 9. I kissed him back roughly and wrapped my hands around his neck pulling him closer to me.We smiled through the kiss and after a few minutes pulled away for some air.

Jake: well I will go now it's late.

Mc: goodnight baby

Jake blushed and said

Jake: goodnight to you too princess.

I watched him and his car drive off into the distance and then closed my door and leaned against it.

I think I'm falling in love.

[hi guysss I'm so sorry for not updating I just recently ended my exams and school has been stressfull asfff and merry christmas! I hope you're enjoying your holidays! I'll try my best to update! thank you for being patient!<3]

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